Frequently Asked Questions
Is the use of Microsoft Teams mandatory for students?
No, La Trobe University is offering this software to all students at the moment to help assist them with group work, peer to peer learning, and socialisation. However, there are select subjects offered at La Trobe University using Microsoft Teams and if you are in enrolled in one of these subjects you may need to download the software. If this is the case, your subject coordinator will let you know.
Is Microsoft Teams free?
Yes, La Trobe University has bought a subscription of the software to all students, so you don’t need to pay anything.
Will Zoom still be available?
Yes, Microsoft Teams will not replace Zoom. Actually, Microsoft Teams easily integrates with Zoom systems and has additional functionality such as shared documents.
Is Microsoft Teams monitored?
Yes, we have provided students access to Microsoft Teams under La Trobe University license and this means we expect students to use the software for study purposes or peer interactions. We also expect students to maintain the La Trobe Student Code of Conduct and remain professional in the online environment. Please also refer to our etiquette guidelines for additional guidance.
How can I learn how to use Microsoft Teams?
Student IT Support cannot assist with teaching you how to use Microsoft Teams. If you need assistance with this you can use the Microsoft Teams website for further assistance.