Assessment timetables

Official exam timetables for all La Trobe University campuses.

Examinations are defined as formal, invigilated (supervised) assessments.

Key dates for upcoming final assessment periods can be found on Exams and Results Page.

Official exam/Final Assessment timetables are published four weeks before the Semester 1 and 2 final assessment periods and at least one week before Terms and Supplementary/Special assessment periods.

Students are required to be available for the entire duration of the final assessment period. Exams may also be scheduled in the evening and on Saturdays, for which students need to be available.

Please check your timetable leading up to the final assessment period as details may change.

These timetables were last updated: 09 December 2024*

About the timetable

The full exam timetable shows the date, location, and time of all scheduled exams. Face-to-face exams will also list the allowable materials [PDF 114KB]) in the timetable.

Please note if you have alternative exam arrangements these are not published in the exam timetable. These details will be emailed direct to your student email.

Assessment clashes

If your Subject Coordinator has scheduled an ‘in house’ assessment, which does not appear on the timetable but is at the same time as a scheduled assessment, you will need to contact your Subject Coordinator to request an alternate time for the ‘in house’ assessment.

If you cannot attend your scheduled assessment, you can check if you are eligible to apply for an Alternative Assessment Schedule.

Guidelines for sitting your exam

Information about exam delivery, rules, changing exam times and frequently asked questions can be found on the Guidelines to Sitting Your Exam page.