pty5ehr evaluating health care research



Not currently offered

Credit points: 15

Subject outline

In this subject you learn to systematically review literature on health care practices and beliefs. The classes are particularly beneficial for you commencing postgraduate research degrees. Students learn to refine a research question, comprehensively search for relevant scientific literature and other information, evaluate research validity using scientifically endorsed and standardised methods, identify and quantify intervention effects, pool data in meta-analysis and summarise findings. Review outcomes can be applied to inform clinical practices or be integrated into introductory arguments in a research thesis.

SchoolAllied Health, Human Services & Sport (Pre 2022)

Credit points15

Subject Co-ordinatorTania Pizzari

Available to Study Abroad/Exchange StudentsNo

Subject year levelYear Level 5 - Masters

Available as ElectiveNo

Learning ActivitiesN/A

Capstone subjectNo

Subject particulars

Subject rules



Incompatible subjectsN/A

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Quota Management StrategyN/A

Quota-conditions or rulesN/A

Special conditionsN/A

Minimum credit point requirementN/A

Assumed knowledgeN/A

Career Ready


Work-based learningNo

Self sourced or Uni sourcedN/A

Entire subject or partial subjectN/A

Total hours/days requiredN/A

Location of WBL activity (region)N/A

WBL addtional requirementsN/A

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

Graduate Capabilities

Intended Learning Outcomes

01. Effectively source, manage and reference authoritative literature
02. Critically evaluate literature on a defined topic
03. Develop methodology for undertaking a systematic review prepared in an academic writing style

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