psy3pfp psychology field placement




Credit points: 30

Subject outline

Students engage in a supervised field placement in an organisation or agency with relevance to applying psychology-related knowledge and skills. Students have the opportunity to observe and engage in activities which assist them to learn about how professionals in related fields work and apply skills. They reflect on the professional, organisational, and ethical issues relevant to the workplace setting as well as the career skills they obtain while on the placement. The placement, and associated orientation activities, online activities and assessment materials, and assignments focus on students' learning. Students reflect on specific intended learning outcomes related to professional practice.

SchoolPsychology and Public Health (Pre 2022)

Credit points30

Subject Co-ordinatorEleanor Wertheim

Available to Study Abroad/Exchange StudentsNo

Subject year levelYear Level 3 - UG

Available as ElectiveNo

Learning ActivitiesN/A

Capstone subjectNo

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites Must be enrolled in one of the following courses at any campus: Bachelor of Psychological Science (SBPS, SBPSB, SBPSW) or Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) (SHP, SHPYB, SHPYW) or a double degree that includes the Bachelor of Psychological Science, such as Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Psychological Science (LWLPYB) or Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Psychological Science (LZCPY, LZCPYB) or Bachelor of Cybersecurity/Bachelor of Psychological Science (SZCYPS) or Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Psychological Science (LZCP) or Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Psychological Science (LZBPSB) Must have passed PSY1HPM and PSY2PRM and PSY2COG and approval by Subject Coordinator


Incompatible subjectsN/A

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Quota Management StrategyN/A

Quota-conditions or rulesN/A

Special conditionsThere are limited places available for this subject due to the need for students to have successfully obtained a placement at a fieldwork location approved by the Subject Coordinator. Students will need to fulfill the requirements of the specific placement and be accepted into that placement before enrolment is confirmed. The process for obtaining a placement starts about 6 months prior to subject commencement and is described in the Psychological Science Portal (LMS subject available to students in psychology degrees). It involves gaining subject coordinator approval to apply for a placement, submitting an application to the placement provider and typically completing an interview at the placement site. Placements require current Police Check and where indicated a Working with Children Check and current & valid drivers licence.

Minimum credit point requirementN/A

Assumed knowledgeN/A

Career Ready


Work-based learningYes

Self sourced or Uni sourced
Uni Sourced

Entire subject or partial subjectPartial subject

Total hours/days required150 hours (optional up to 200 hours)

Location of WBL activity (region)Domestic - regional
Domestic - metro

WBL addtional requirementsVictorian Police Check required, and depending on type of placement Victorian Working with Children Check and valid drivers licence. Students must be accepted into a placement by the host organisation, which includes application, cover letter and interview.

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

Graduate Capabilities

COMMUNICATION - Communicating and Influencing
INQUIRY AND ANALYSIS - Creativity and Innovation
INQUIRY AND ANALYSIS - Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL - Ethical and Social Responsibility
PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL - Leadership and Teamwork

Intended Learning Outcomes

01. Describe and reflect on skills relevant to a professional in a fieldwork setting.
02. Demonstrate understanding of professional and ethical issues, such as confidentiality and legal responsibilities, relevant to the workplace
03. Be able to examine challenging personal and professional workplace experiences and propose solutions to address them professionally.
04. Demonstrate responsible behaviour in the workplace related to working in a team, communicating to a supervisor and work colleagues, and completing relevant documentation.

Subject options

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Start date between: and    Key dates

Bendigo, 2020, Summer , Blended


Online enrolmentNo

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorEleanor Wertheim

Class requirements

Lecture/WorkshopWeek: 48 - 48
One 6.00 hours lecture/workshop per study period on weekdays during the day from week 48 to week 48 and delivered via face-to-face.
This will be videoconferenced between campuses

Placement - Off SiteWeek: 0 - 0
Twenty 7.50 hours placement - off site per study period on weekdays during the day from week 0 to week 0 and delivered via face-to-face.
Students will complete 150 hours (3 to 4 days per week) on a relevant field placement (organised by the Department of Psychology and Counselling).

Unscheduled Online ClassWeek: 48 - 51
Four 3.00 hours unscheduled online class per study period on any day including weekend during the day from week 48 to week 51 and delivered via online.
A series of online modules and learning activities prior to the placement will also be required.


Assessment elementCommentsCategoryContributionHurdle%ILO*

Field placement activities logbook including hours completedThe logbook (approximately 1000 words) covering daily activities on placement which needs to be signed regularly by the placement supervisor.


Online QuizzesEquivalent to approximately 1600 words, series of quizzes requiring working through online presentations and online subject learning activities. Completion of all quizzes is a hurdle requirement for the subject.


Supervisor reportSupervisor report is based on performance during the 150 hours of activities on placement.


Written reflective assignment (2,000-words)Written reflective commentary on the placement and extract of a Curriculum vita (resume) updated to reflect placement-related experience and competencies.


Written assignment focused on placement preparation and goals (1,000-words)