phe5rcp rehabilitation counselling practicum




Credit points: 15

Subject outline

This subject provides practicum experience in which students have the opportunity to develop and practice rehabilitation counselling skills and to demonstrate competency in specified rehabilitation areas. This may include placement in a specialist rehabilitation facility, other rehabilitation-related health facility or human service agency. In addition to the workplace placement students are required to participate in classroom-based activities relevant to professional issues in rehabilitation counselling practice. Students will develop the knowledge and attitudes necessary for ethical and professional approaches in the delivery of rehabilitation services.

SchoolPsychology and Public Health (Pre 2022)

Credit points15

Subject Co-ordinatorPaul O'Halloran

Available to Study Abroad/Exchange StudentsYes

Subject year levelYear Level 5 - Masters

Available as ElectiveNo

Learning ActivitiesN/A

Capstone subjectNo

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites Students must have successfully completed PHE5VOR and PHE5SCC or equivalents


Incompatible subjectsN/A

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Quota Management StrategyN/A

Quota-conditions or rulesN/A

Special conditionsN/A

Minimum credit point requirementN/A

Assumed knowledgeN/A

Career Ready


Work-based learningYes

Self sourced or Uni sourcedSelf Sourced
Uni Sourced

Entire subject or partial subjectPartial subject

Total hours/days required150 hours

Location of WBL activity (region)Flexible

WBL addtional requirementsLocation of the WBL is multiple given students take this placement subject from all over Australia including regional settings. Depending on the placement setting a working with children check may be required as may a police check and students may have to travel for their placement.

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

Graduate Capabilities

Intended Learning Outcomes

01. Evaluate rehabilitation service delivery
02. Design and implement acceptable and ethical rehabilitation service plans appropriate to individual rehabilitees.
03. Effectively deliver components of team-based rehabilitation services

Subject options

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Start date between: and    Key dates

City Campus, 2020, Semester 2, Day


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorMandy Ruddock

Class requirements

Placement - Off SiteWeek: 31 - 43
One 20.00 days placement - off site per study period from week 31 to week 43 and delivered via face-to-face.
Students are required to attend placement for an equivalent of 20 days

WorkShopWeek: 31 - 42
Five 2.00 hours workshop per study period on weekdays at night from week 31 to week 42 and delivered via face-to-face.


Assessment elementCommentsCategoryContributionHurdle%ILO*

One 1,500-word notebook recording rehabilitation seminar notes


One 1,500-word log book


One 2,000-word reflective piece on placement experience