med3prj advanced biochemistry and medical biology internship



Not currently offered

Credit points: 15

Subject outline

This is a practical based subject where students will gain experience in current techniques in molecular and medical cellular biology by completing a 10 week laboratory placement projects. Students (in pairs) will be expected to complete 6 hours of practical work per week under the supervision of research staff. Students will conduct original research and record their observations weekly in a laboratory notebook, write a 1 page project background & aims statement, write a 2,000 word research report, and present a 15 minute talk describing their research discoveries during a mini-symposium at the end of semester. In addition students will attend lab meetings where they will receive feedback on their research and instruction on current techniques in biochemistry, cellular biology, molecular biology and scientific communication.

SchoolMolecular Sciences (Pre 2022)

Credit points15

Subject Co-ordinatorFung Lay

Available to Study Abroad/Exchange StudentsYes

Subject year levelYear Level 3 - UG

Available as ElectiveNo

Learning ActivitiesN/A

Capstone subjectYes

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites Requires Coordinators Approval

Co-requisitesMED3ATB OR BCH3ATB

Incompatible subjectsN/A

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Quota Management StrategyN/A

Quota-conditions or rulesN/A

Special conditionsStudents must have a grade of at least 75% in (BCH3BSB and BCH3AAB) or (MED3ATA and MED3PRC) or (GEN3MGG and GEN3LAB). Students are also required to submit an expression of interest form to the Coordinator at the end of semester 1.

Minimum credit point requirementN/A

Assumed knowledgeN/A

Career Ready


Work-based learningNo

Self sourced or Uni sourcedN/A

Entire subject or partial subjectN/A

Total hours/days requiredN/A

Location of WBL activity (region)N/A

WBL addtional requirementsN/A

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

Graduate Capabilities

COMMUNICATION - Communicating and Influencing
COMMUNICATION - Cultural Intelligence and Global Perspective
INQUIRY AND ANALYSIS - Creativity and Innovation
INQUIRY AND ANALYSIS - Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
INQUIRY AND ANALYSIS - Research and Evidence-Based Inquiry
PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL - Adaptability and Self-Management
PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL - Ethical and Social Responsibility
PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL - Leadership and Teamwork

Intended Learning Outcomes

01. Apply advanced techniques in molecular, biochemistry and cell biology to generate and analyse data and evaluate the experimental protocols used.
02. Explain current techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology, and discuss and present information in the field of Biochemistry orally to peers.
03. Collect, analyse and evaluate information from literature to prepare a thorough scientific report
04. Interpret and critically evaluate experimental protocols
05. Retain accurate records of their work in the laboratory and maintain lab books.

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