lst3lsj law, rights and social justice




Credit points: 15

Subject outline

This subject brings together a range of different approaches to critically understanding law, rights and social justice. The subject focuses on the ways in which both domestic and international laws can promote, hinder or violate fundamental freedoms and rights. The subject begins by examining the philosophy and practice of rights within domestic and international law, and then considers a range of different but interrelated issues, including: Indigenous rights and self determination; women in western and non-western worlds; reproductive rights; the rights of the child; poverty and homelessness; asylum seekers and refugees; counter-terrorism and torture; armed conflict, genocide and transitional justice; and environmental and animal rights.

SchoolHumanities and Social Sciences (Pre 2022)

Credit points15

Subject Co-ordinatorErica Millar

Available to Study Abroad/Exchange StudentsYes

Subject year levelYear Level 3 - UG

Available as ElectiveNo

Learning ActivitiesN/A

Capstone subjectNo

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites 30 credit points of second year LST or LCR or LAW subjects and 30 credit points of Humanities and Social Sciences or Law subjects or subject coordinators approval


Incompatible subjectsLST2LSJ

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Quota Management StrategyN/A

Quota-conditions or rulesN/A

Special conditionsN/A

Minimum credit point requirementN/A

Assumed knowledgeN/A

Career Ready


Work-based learningNo

Self sourced or Uni sourcedN/A

Entire subject or partial subjectN/A

Total hours/days requiredN/A

Location of WBL activity (region)N/A

WBL addtional requirementsN/A

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

Graduate Capabilities

COMMUNICATION - Communicating and Influencing
INQUIRY AND ANALYSIS - Creativity and Innovation
INQUIRY AND ANALYSIS - Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
INQUIRY AND ANALYSIS - Research and Evidence-Based Inquiry
PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL - Ethical and Social Responsibility

Intended Learning Outcomes

01. Apply complex theories to examine "case studies", demonstrating an understanding of the problem of universalism, cultural relativism and human rights
02. Critically reflect on the definition, efficacy and scope of human rights law and practice, including discussing the concept of human rights, reflecting on the problems of both "conflicting rights" and human rights as "ideology", and using complex theories on rights from the literature
03. Illustrate an understanding of domestic and international human rights law and how they relate to each other
04. Locate relevant Internet material on human rights and social justice matters, summarise this material and then identify problems and/or issues raised
05. Write about the role of law in protecting human rights and preventing future human rights abuses, as well as the efficacy of law as a defender of human rights
06. Write coherently on the gap between law in theory versus law in practice in relation to human rights and social justice, reflecting on both ideals and ideology

Subject options

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Start date between: and    Key dates

Melbourne (Bundoora), 2020, Semester 2, Day


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorErica Millar

Class requirements

LectureWeek: 31 - 43
One 2.00 hours lecture per week on weekdays during the day from week 31 to week 43 and delivered via face-to-face.

TutorialWeek: 32 - 43
One 1.00 hour tutorial per week on weekdays during the day from week 32 to week 43 and delivered via face-to-face.


Assessment elementCommentsCategoryContributionHurdle%ILO*

One 1000 word mock submission


Ten weekly quizzes (equivalent to 500 words)


One 2500 word Essay