hus3rlg regional lives, global issues



Not currently offered

Credit points: 15

Subject outline

Global challenges have local impacts. In this subject students reflect on one of five global and local (i.e., #glocal#) challenges: either (1) migration and refugees, (2) gender inclusion and exclusion challenges, (3) policing and terrorism, (4) social and economic inequality, or (5) climate change. Students choose one of these and consider its impact on their local community. Supported and yet self-guided online modules invite exploration and encourage critical reflection of the topic chosen. Face-to-face activities in workshops practise job-ready skills. This subject dealing with local aspects of global challenges enables students, step-by-step, to conceive, refine and develop innovative responses to their chosen challenge. This subject addresses the La Trobe #Innovation and Entrepreneurship# Essential by equipping you to think globally and respond locally.

SchoolHumanities and Social Sciences (Pre 2022)

Credit points15

Subject Co-ordinatorPaulina Billett

Available to Study Abroad/Exchange StudentsYes

Subject year levelYear Level 3 - UG

Available as ElectiveNo

Learning ActivitiesN/A

Capstone subjectNo

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites Completion of a first-year in any major in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the completion of at least two second-year subjects in that major


Incompatible subjectsN/A

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Quota Management StrategyN/A

Quota-conditions or rulesN/A

Special conditionsN/A

Minimum credit point requirementN/A

Assumed knowledgeN/A

Career Ready


Work-based learningNo

Self sourced or Uni sourcedN/A

Entire subject or partial subjectN/A

Total hours/days requiredN/A

Location of WBL activity (region)N/A

WBL addtional requirementsN/A

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

Graduate Capabilities

INQUIRY AND ANALYSIS - Creativity and Innovation
INQUIRY AND ANALYSIS - Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
INQUIRY AND ANALYSIS - Research and Evidence-Based Inquiry
PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL - Adaptability and Self-Management
PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL - Leadership and Teamwork

Intended Learning Outcomes

01. Critically evaluate the impact of global challenges on local communities
02. Select and apply appropriate job ready skills to create appropriate outcomes.
03. Produce innovative and convincing recommendations and present them in various written methods.
04. Engages pro-actively with team members in team decision making, and facilitates and contributes to the creation of an innovative solution to a local issue.

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