dtn3ans adv nutritional science




Credit points: 15

Subject outline

In this subject students will build on knowledge gained in first and second year nutrition subjects, it discusses advanced topics in nutritional sciences focusing on the most recent nutrition research and current topics in the media as well as emerging nutrition related issues. Includes nutrition's impact on health, chronic disease prevention and management.

SchoolSchool Allied Health,Human Serv & Sport

Credit points15

Subject Co-ordinatorJessica Biesiekierski

Available to Study Abroad StudentsYes

Subject year levelYear Level 3 - UG

Exchange StudentsYes

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites Must be admitted in HBHNHK


Incompatible subjects DTN309

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Special conditionsN/A

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

01. Demonstrate critical understanding of key concepts and potential applications in the field of nutrigenomics and personalised nutrition.

Interactive lectures

02. Investigate contemporary and emerging topics in nutritional science, and critically reflect upon their role in health.

Interactive lectures

03. Evaluate and critique nutritional messages in various forms of media communication to identify communication bias and develop skills in objective health communications.

Interactive lectures and students will be provided with media stories to assess

Subject options

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Start date between: and    Key dates

Hong Kong, 2019, Week 13-21, Day


Online enrolmentNo

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorJessica Biesiekierski

Class requirements

Unscheduled Online ClassWeek: 13 - 21
One 6.0 hours unscheduled online class per study period on weekdays during the day from week 13 to week 21 and delivered via online.

Lecture/WorkshopWeek: 13 - 21
One 12.0 hours lecture/workshop per study period on weekdays during the day from week 13 to week 21 and delivered via face-to-face.

TutorialWeek: 13 - 21
One 12.0 hours tutorial per study period on weekdays during the day from week 13 to week 21 and delivered via face-to-face.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
One 90-minute written examination (1500 word equivalent)4001, 02
One 5-minute multimedia presentation (250 word equivalent)1001, 03
Final assignment (2000 word equivalent)5001, 02, 03