arc5raa research in aus arch a




Credit points: 15

Subject outline

This subject presents students with the opportunity to undertake more detailed study in specialist topics in Australian archaeology. Students work in collaboration with a staff member to develop a directed study plan focussed on a specific issue or area of expertise.

SchoolSchool of Humanities & Social Sciences

Credit points15

Subject Co-ordinatorAnita Smith

Available to Study Abroad StudentsYes

Subject year levelYear Level 5 - Masters

Exchange StudentsYes

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites Enrolment in AMPA Masters of Professional Archaeology, ADPA Graduate Diploma of Professional Archaeology AND permission of the Course Coordinator.


Incompatible subjectsN/A

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Special conditionsN/A

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

01. present a reasoned analysis of the theory and data relevant to the topic

discussion in supervisory sessions, preparation of a journal or series of abstracts reviewing the relevant literature in the topic, preparation of a major problem-oriented essay
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy,Cultural Literacy)
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy,Cultural Literacy)
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy,Cultural Literacy)
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy,Cultural Literacy)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Personal and Professional Skills(Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

02. demonstrate competence in a specialised aspect of Australian archaeology

discussion in supervisory sessions, preparation of a journal or series of abstracts reviewing the relevant literature in the topic, preparation of a major problem-oriented essay
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy,Cultural Literacy)
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy,Cultural Literacy)
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy,Cultural Literacy)
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy,Cultural Literacy)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Personal and Professional Skills(Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

03. design and carry out a program of independent study

prepare a comprehensive bibliography and study plan to guide reading, completion of literature review and essay
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy,Cultural Literacy)
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy,Cultural Literacy)
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy,Cultural Literacy)
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy,Cultural Literacy)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Personal and Professional Skills(Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Personal and Professional Skills(Autonomy and independence,Ethical behaviour,Adaptability Skills,Study and Learning Skills)
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

Subject options

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Start date between: and    Key dates

Melbourne, 2018, Semester 1, Blended


Online enrolmentNo

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorAnita Smith

Class requirements

Directed ReadingWeek: 10 - 22
Thirty six 1.0 hours directed reading per study period on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 22 and delivered via blended.
"to be determine in consultation with subject coordinator"


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
One 2000 word journal or series of abstracts reviewing the relevant literature4001, 02, 03
One 3500 word problem-oriented essay6001, 02, 03