swp4lhe human rights law




Credit points: 15

Subject outline

In this subject students expand their knowledge base in the legal context of Australian social work practice and how human rights and ethical principles guide social work practice. Professional competency will be developed by applying ethical decision-making models to case studies by observing real courts or tribunals. Case studies will address issues of diversity and complexity in our society and guidance will be given on how to make decisions that conform to ethical, legal and professional requirements while respecting clients and their rights.

SchoolSchool of Allied Health

Credit points15

Subject Co-ordinatorRichard Polkinghorn

Available to Study Abroad StudentsYes

Subject year levelYear Level 4 - UG/Hons/1st Yr PG

Exchange StudentsYes

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites Students enrolled in course HZSK, HZSKB, HZSKW, HZSKM (BHS&MSW) must have passed all subjects from (SWP3UIO). Students in course HMSK, HMSKB, HMSKW, HMSKM no prerequisite rule applies.


Incompatible subjectsN/A

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Special conditionsN/A

Learning resources


Resource TypeTitleResource RequirementAuthor and YearPublisher
ReadingsIn the Shadow of the Law: the Legal Context of Social Work Practice, 3rd EdPrescribedRice, S & Day, A (Eds. - 4th Ed. - 2014)FEDERATION PRESS, NSW
ReadingsLatrobe Library - Digital Libguide - SWP4LHE:Human Rights Law and Ethics in Social WorkPrescribedLatrobe LibraryLATROBE LIBRARY
ReadingsThe Law Handbook (2015)RecommendedFitzroy Legal Service (2015)FITZROY LEGAL SERVICE. FITZROY.

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

01. Critically analyse how human rights are addressed in social work practice.

1- Review of actual practice situations depicted in on-line DVD material and answer related questions. Subsequently more in depth analsis and class discussion is undertaken of case related material in weekly group discussions.Complete weekly graded on-line Quizz. 2 - Introductory reading material outling actual human rights cases is provided in recommended reading along with contemporary on-line legal cases revealing relevant legal principles. 3 - Weekly lectures provide outline of key human rights concepts and legal principles

02. Generate a conceptual framework on how the law impacts on social work practice and analyse the role and responsiblitity of professional practitioners.

1- Review of actual practice situations depicted in on-line DVD material and answer related questions. Subsequently more in depth analsis and class discussion is undertaken of case related material in weekly group discussions.Complete weekly graded on-line Quizz. 2- Attend dedicated Library tutorial introducing students to digital legal databases and specially designed subject Libguide - SWP4LHE 3 - Students to form small groups and attend Live Court and Tribunal hearings and presents fings in small tutorial discussions 4 - Introductory reading material provided in recommended reading along with contemporary on-line legal cases revealing relevant legal principles. 5 - Weekly lectures provide outline of key human rights concepts and legal principles

03. Evaluate an ethical decisionmaking framework as applied to relevant case materials.

1- Review of actual practice situations depicting ethical issues in on-line DVD material and answer related questions. Subsequently more in depth analsis and class discussion is undertaken of case related material in weekly group discussions. 2 - Introductory reading material outling actual ethical cases is provided in recommended reading along with contemporary on-line ethical cases revealing relevant ethical principles. 3 - Weekly lectures provide outline of key ethical concepts and principles

04. Critically analyse how conflicts between competing legal, ethical and human rights principles impact on social workers and their practice.

1- Review of actual practice situations depicted in on-line DVD material and answer related questions. Subsequently more in depth analsis and class discussion is undertaken of case related material in weekly group discussions.Complete weekly graded on-line Quizz. 2 - Introductory reading material outling actual ethical cases is provided in recommended reading along with contemporary on-line cases revealing relevant human rights, legal and ethical principles. 3 - Weekly lectures provide outline of key human rights, legal and ethical concepts and principles

Subject options

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Start date between: and    Key dates

Albury-Wodonga, 2017, Semester 1, Blended


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorSuzanne Hodgkin

Class requirements

Evidence Based LearningWeek: 10 - 21
One 1.0 hours evidence based learning per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 21 and delivered via blended.
"12 1-hour teacher guided learning packages which include online and in-class activities."

WorkShopWeek: 10 - 21
One 2.0 hours workshop per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 21 and delivered via face-to-face.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
10 x weekly on-line learning tasks (equil. 150 words per quizz) to be completed by students via LMSIt is mandatory requirement of this subject that students visit two court or tribunal hearings.3501, 02, 03, 04
one 2,000-word ethical dilemma case study analysis5001, 02, 03, 04
one group presentation on court/tribunal visit equivalent to 800-words per member1501, 02, 03, 04

Bendigo, 2017, Semester 1, Blended


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorNatasha Long

Class requirements

Evidence Based LearningWeek: 10 - 21
One 1.0 hours evidence based learning per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 21 and delivered via blended.
"12 1-hour teacher guided learning packages which include online and in-class activities."

WorkShopWeek: 10 - 21
One 2.0 hours workshop per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 21 and delivered via face-to-face.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
10 x weekly on-line learning tasks (equil. 150 words per quizz) to be completed by students via LMSIt is mandatory requirement of this subject that students visit two court or tribunal hearings.3501, 02, 03, 04
one 2,000-word ethical dilemma case study analysis5001, 02, 03, 04
one group presentation on court/tribunal visit equivalent to 800-words per member1501, 02, 03, 04

Melbourne, 2017, Semester 1, Blended


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorRichard Polkinghorn

Class requirements

Evidence Based LearningWeek: 10 - 21
One 1.0 hours evidence based learning per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 21 and delivered via blended.
"12 1-hour teacher guided learning packages which include online and in-class activities."

WorkShopWeek: 10 - 21
One 2.0 hours workshop per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 21 and delivered via face-to-face.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
10 x weekly on-line learning tasks (equil. 150 words per quizz) to be completed by students via LMSIt is mandatory requirement of this subject that students visit two court or tribunal hearings.3501, 02, 03, 04
one 2,000-word ethical dilemma case study analysis5001, 02, 03, 04
one group presentation on court/tribunal visit equivalent to 800-words per member1501, 02, 03, 04

Mildura, 2017, Semester 1, Blended


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorRichard Polkinghorn

Class requirements

Evidence Based LearningWeek: 10 - 21
One 1.0 hours evidence based learning per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 21 and delivered via blended.
"12 1-hour teacher guided learning packages which include online and in-class activities."

WorkShopWeek: 10 - 21
One 2.0 hours workshop per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 21 and delivered via face-to-face.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
10 x weekly on-line learning tasks (equil. 150 words per quizz) to be completed by students via LMSIt is mandatory requirement of this subject that students visit two court or tribunal hearings.3501, 02, 03, 04
one 2,000-word ethical dilemma case study analysis5001, 02, 03, 04
one group presentation on court/tribunal visit equivalent to 800-words per member1501, 02, 03, 04