psy6dps processes of supervision




Credit points: 15

Subject outline

In this subject students examine the processes of supervision within the counselling context. The subject provides practical, theoretical and experiential approaches which maximise individual professional development so that reflective practices are viewed as an essential component of the continued learning and development of the therapist. The ethics of the profession provide an underlying focus for examining these processes within the supervisor, supervisee and client relationship.

SchoolSchool of Psychology & Public Health

Credit points15

Subject Co-ordinatorMelissa Monfries

Available to Study Abroad StudentsNo

Subject year levelYear Level 6 - Doctoral

Exchange StudentsNo

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites Must be enrolled in HDPCP Doctor of Psychology in Counselling Psychology


Incompatible subjectsN/A

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Special conditionsN/A

Learning resources


Resource TypeTitleResource RequirementAuthor and YearPublisher
ReadingsCasebook for clinical supervision: a competency based approachPrescribedFallender, CA & Shafranske, EP (eds)AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY, WASHINGTON DC.
ReadingsCode of ethicsPrescribedAmerican Psychiatric Association 2007APS.
ReadingsDSM IV-TRPrescribedAmerican Psychiatric Association 2000AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION.
ReadingsGuidelines for psychological assessment and the use of psychological testsPrescribedAmerican Psychiatric Association 2010APS
ReadingsGuidelines for supervisionPrescribedAmerican Psychiatric Society 2010APS.
ReadingsHandbook of counselling psychologyPrescribedWoolfe, R, Strawbride, S, Douglas, B & Dryden, W (eds)SAGE, LONDON.
ReadingsThe ethics of supervision and consultation: practical guidance for mental health professionalsPrescribedThomas, J 2010AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY, WASHINGTON DC.

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

01. Knowledge of the models of supervision which inform psychological pratice and supervisory processes.

Contemporary research articles and texts covering the different types of supervision models will be discussed and critiqued.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Professional Practice(Professional Practice)
Discipline Specific Competencies(Discipline Specific Competencies)
Ethical/ Social Responsibility(Ethical/ Social Responsibility)
Creative Problem-solving(Creative Problem-solving)
Inquiry/ Research(Inquiry/ Research)
Critical Thinking(Critical Thinking)

02. Application of theories into practice and supervision.

Case presentations will demonstrate how the theories are incorporated into therapeutic practice. Case study submission and practice as supervisor with a reflective submission on how theories were applied within supervisory sessions.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Creative Problem-solving(Creative Problem-solving)
Inquiry/ Research(Inquiry/ Research)
Critical Thinking(Critical Thinking)
Professional Practice(Professional Practice)
Discipline Specific Competencies(Discipline Specific Competencies)
Ethical/ Social Responsibility(Ethical/ Social Responsibility)

03. Commitment and adherence to legal and ethical principles.

Readings research and the latest legal requirements for psychologists in practice will be reviewed, discussed and critiqued. Inclusion of discussions on ethical and legal issues will also be assessed for the case study and reflective practice submissions.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Professional Practice(Professional Practice)
Inquiry/ Research(Inquiry/ Research)
Ethical/ Social Responsibility(Ethical/ Social Responsibility)
Discipline Specific Competencies(Discipline Specific Competencies)
Creative Problem-solving(Creative Problem-solving)
Critical Thinking(Critical Thinking)

Subject options

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Start date between: and    Key dates

Melbourne, 2017, Semester 2, Day


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorMelissa Monfries

Class requirements

One 3.0 hours lecture per week and delivered via face-to-face.
"One 3-hour seminar per week over 13 weeks."


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
reflections on personal professional development - the experience as supervisee and supervisor6001, 02, 03
two case presentations in group supervision4001, 02, 03