pod4pas pod anaesthesia and surgery




Credit points: 15

Subject outline

In this subject students will develop their understanding of local anaesthesia and knowledge of podiatric surgical techniques of the nails and skin. Authentic clinical cases and enquiry-based activities are used to develop the student's understanding of local anaesthesia and podiatric surgical techniques in commonly encountered conditions in the context of evidence-based practice. Students will complete a program of practicums in local anaesthesia and this subject will tie-in to podiatric surgical clinical experiences delivered later in the course.

SchoolSchool of Allied Health

Credit points15

Subject Co-ordinatorMatthew Oates

Available to Study Abroad StudentsNo

Subject year levelYear Level 4 - UG/Hons/1st Yr PG

Exchange StudentsNo

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites Must have passed all subjects from HBS2ALF and HBS3PCY. Must be enrolled in one of the following course codes: HZHPOD, HZHPDB, HZHPDM, HZHPDS, HZHPDW (Bachelor of Health Sciences and Master of Podiatric Practice), or HZLLPP - Bachelor of Applied Science and Master of Podiatric Practice, or HMPOD, HMPODB - Master of Podiatric Practice.


Incompatible subjectsN/A

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Special conditionsN/A

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

01. Apply a broad knowledge of classification, chemistry and pharmacokinetics related to anaesthesia

Online learning modules and facilitated workshops.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

02. Adapt knowledge of local anaesthesia procedures for the ankle and foot to a given patient

Eight small group practical classes.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

03. Apply knowledge of local anaesthesia administration with professional judgement to obtain best patient outcomes

Eight small group practical classes and facilitated workshops.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

04. Analyse and critique the range and purpose of common nail and skin surgical techniques of the foot.

Online learning modules and facilitated workshops.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

Subject options

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Start date between: and    Key dates

Melbourne, 2017, Semester 1, Blended


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorMatthew Oates

Class requirements

WorkShopWeek: 10 - 13
One 1.0 hours workshop per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 13 and delivered via face-to-face.
"one 1-hour facilitated workshop (weeks 1,2,3,4)"

PracticalWeek: 15 - 22
One 1.0 hours practical per week on weekdays during the day from week 15 to week 22 and delivered via face-to-face.
"one 1-hour practical class (weeks 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)"

Unscheduled Online ClassWeek: 10 - 13
Four 1.5 hours unscheduled online class per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 13 and delivered via online.
"Students will work through four online core learning modules and two online optional extension modules."


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
one 30-minute OSCE (1,500-word equiv)3502, 03
one 45-minute online test2001, 04
one 90-minute written examination4501, 02, 04