che3ada advanced chemistry a




Credit points: 30

Subject outline

CHE3ADA is a core third year subject required for a chemistry major, along with CHE3ADB. Learning activities within the subject include lectures, tutorials, workshops and laboratory classes. Core topics address the areas of organic synthesis and techniques for chemical analysis (e.g. nuclear magnetic resonance, separation science, atomic spectroscopy). Two optional topics must also be selected, from areas such as mass spectrometry, bonding, sustainability and chemistry, polymer chemistry.

SchoolSchool of Molecular Sciences/LIMS

Credit points30

Subject Co-ordinatorConor Hogan

Available to Study Abroad StudentsYes

Subject year levelYear Level 3 - UG

Exchange StudentsYes

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites CHE2FCA and CHE2FCB and one of (CHE2ENC, CHE2MAC, CHE2MOC, CHE2NAC) OR Admission into SMCHS


Incompatible subjects CHE3MCC

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Special conditions Optional topics may vary from year to year.

Learning resources


Resource TypeTitleResource RequirementAuthor and YearPublisher
ReadingsOrganic ChemistryPrescribedMcMurry, J., 2016Thomson-Brookes/Cole
ReadingsSpectrometric Identification of Organic CompoundsPrescribedSilverstein, Webster and Kiemle, 2005Wiley
ReadingsQuantitative Chemical AnalysisPrescribedHarris, D.C., 2010Freeman
ReadingsChemistry in ContextRecommendedAnderson, Middlecamp and Cann, 2011McGraw-Hill
ReadingsPhysical ChemistryRecommendedAtkins, P.W. and de Paula, J., 2010Oxford University Press

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

01. Demonstrate thorough understanding of "Key Principles of Chemistry" as defined by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and employ experimental methods of investigation of the defined principles.

During lectures students will answer short questions individually or as part of small groups, reinforcing lecture material. In tutorials and in their own time students will apply these concepts to solve a variety of problems, some of which are assessed via quizzes or assignments and others which are provided as optional problem sets for exam preparation.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Discipline-specific GCs(Discipline-specific GCs)

02. Apply professional integrity and safe laboratory practices when designing and performing experiments, collecting data and reporting results, in order to satisfy the professional accreditation requirements of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.

Students are explicitly briefed on safe laboratory practices and given an assignment on risk assessment and use of material safety data sheets. Working individually or in small groups, students will aquire practical skills required for the manipulation of chemicals for chemical synthesis and learn how to use modern instrumentation to perform chemical analyses. Student laboratory reports and assignments are compared to ensure authenticity and mark allocation or penalty applied.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Discipline-specific GCs(Discipline-specific GCs)
Ethical Awareness(Ethical Awareness)

03. Apply relevant mathematical, graphical and computational methods to acquire, manipulate, interpret and evaluate chemical data and summarise results using appropriate significant figures and units.

Student calculations are submitted in subject assignments, laboratory reports and exams and are assessed for accuracy of result and logical structure. The evaluation and reporting of errors and uncertainties is particularly dealt with in the laboratory assessment.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Discipline-specific GCs(Discipline-specific GCs)
Quantitative Literacy/ Numeracy(Quantitative Literacy/ Numeracy)

04. Write coherent descriptions of chemical principles and report experimental results with well supported interpretations using correctly referenced professional prose.

Laboratory reports: students submit laboratory reports throughout the semester that are marked against a rubric for professional presentation. Reports returned in a timely manner and annotated with helpful comments to aid improvement. Topic assignments: students submit topic assignments throughout the semester that are marked against a rubric for professional prose and accurate description of information including references where appropriate. Assignments returned and annotated with helpful comments to aid improvement.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Discipline-specific GCs(Discipline-specific GCs)

05. Solve abstract, routine and real-world problems of chemical relevance by sourcing, collating and summarising legitimate scientific information.

In tutorial problem classes and assignments students must apply chemical concepts to solve a variety of problems and draw from appropriate chemical data sources to do so. In the laboratory context, a referencing and databases assignment trains students in using the chemical literature.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Inquiry/ Research(Inquiry/ Research)
Critical Thinking(Critical Thinking)
Discipline-specific GCs(Discipline-specific GCs)
Creative Problem-solving(Creative Problem-solving)

06. Orally present chemistry matters, supported by legitimate evidence and appropriately defended to peers or professionals.

Students will be expected to orally explain their answers and participate in tutorial discussions on a regular basis. Students present a 10-minute seminar on a completed laboratory experiment that is assessed against a rubric for professional prose, presentation of information and data, critical evaluation and summary of results.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Discipline-specific GCs(Discipline-specific GCs)

Subject options

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Start date between: and    Key dates

Melbourne, 2017, Semester 1, Day


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorConor Hogan

Class requirements

TutorialWeek: 10 - 22
One 1.0 hours tutorial per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 22 and delivered via face-to-face.

Lecture/WorkshopWeek: 10 - 22
Five 1.0 hours lecture/workshop per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 22 and delivered via face-to-face.
"All students attend 3 core topics and choose 2 additional topics from the electives offered."

Laboratory ClassWeek: 10 - 22
One 5.0 hours laboratory class per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 22 and delivered via face-to-face.
"Students attend 8 wet lab sessions and additional learning activities as required."


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Assignments (equivalent to 2000 words)Tasks to be completed during semester which are designed to help students master concepts and solve chemistry problems.2501, 03, 04, 05
Laboratory work, written reports and an oral report (equivalent to 2500 words)Develops and assess competency in practical skills, and in data handling and reporting. A hurdle requirement of 50% applies to the lab component.3001, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06
Examinations (equivalent to 4500 words)A 2.5 hour paper on core topics, and 2 hour paper on the elective topics. A hurdle requirement of 50% applies to the exam component.4501, 03, 04, 05