Credit points: 15

This subject addresses La Trobe's Innovation and Entrepreneurship Essential. Innovation and Entrepreneurship is about using your creativity to generate new ideas, understand and solve complex problems and thrive in a fast-changing world.

Subject outline

In this subject students plan and develop a medium sized team-based ICT project to address a real-life industry or community problem. A teamwork method to software engineering is taken integrating previously learned skills and knowledge. This subject follows on from CSE3PAX and includes skill development in project management, team organisation and communication, system implementation, software testing and integration. Configuration management, user and system documentation and progress and technical reporting will be covered, culminating in a final presentation to client representatives. This subject addresses La Trobe's Innovation and Entrepreneurship Essential. Innovation and Entrepreneurship entails developing the ability to tackle problems creatively, generating new ideas, taking calculated risks and creating change to achieve ambitions - now and in the future.

SchoolSchool Engineering&Mathematical Sciences

Credit points15

Subject Co-ordinatorTorab Torabi

Available to Study Abroad StudentsNo

Subject year levelYear Level 3 - UG

Exchange StudentsNo

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites Must be admitted in SBAIO.


Incompatible subjectsN/A

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Special conditions This subject of study represents the second semester of a year-long program. Students MUST complete both CSE3PRA and CSE3PRB in two consecutive semesters.

Learning resources


Resource TypeTitleResource RequirementAuthor and YearPublisher
ReadingsIndustry Project GuidelinesPrescribedTorabi, T.LA TROBE UNIVERSITY
ReadingsSoftware Engineering (Ninth Edition)PrescribedSommerville, I.ADDISON-WESLEY, 2009.

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

01. Describe and demonstrate the skills and knowledge to participate, contribute, manage conflicts, and document of running a team project meetings.

Highlight the importance of running of team as a very important aspect of running a project. Show examples and videos of team management. Provide weekly feedback to project teams.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy)
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Ethical behaviour)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Ethical behaviour)
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

02. Describe how to improve design document a software system using UML, and articulate the system design using UML standards. Describe the importance of good reference maintenance and user documentation.

Provide the process and approach for developing software system and explain examples of user and maintenance documentation. Participate in workshops to practice necessary skills and improving such skills. Highlight the importance of consistency in reference design and software implementation.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy)
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Ethical behaviour)
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

03. Communicate and professionally present the system prototype, plan, and maintenance and testing of the system to both technical and non-technical audiences.

Highlight the standards, expectations, guidelines process, and content for presentation of system testing and system prototype. Present seminars and workshops to practice the content and process of a good presentation.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy)
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Ethical behaviour)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Ethical behaviour)
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

04. Articulate and develop the detail user and maintenance document of a system using professional standards and guidelines provided in the subject handbook.

Discuss the detail user and maintenance documentation of a system by applying standrard notation. Provide practical workshops and seminars for developing documentation and testing a the system.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy)
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Inquiry and Analytical Skills(Critical Thinking,Creative Problem-solving,Inquiry/Research)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Ethical behaviour)
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

05. Communicate and professionally present the detail implementation of the system and evidences of system opreations to both technical and non-technical audiences.

Emphasis on the standards, expectations, guidelines process and content for presentation of system implementation and testing. Present and provide feedback and seminars so students can practice the content of a good system testing and presentation.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy)
Literacies and Communication Skills(Writing,Speaking,Quantitative Literacy)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Ethical behaviour)
Personal and Professional Skills(Teamwork including leadership and working in groups,Ethical behaviour)
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

Subject options

Select to view your study options…

Start date between: and    Key dates

Online, 2018, Study Block 1, Online


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorFei Liu

Class requirements

Unscheduled Online ClassWeek: 02 - 13
One 3.0 hours unscheduled online class per week on any day including weekend during the day from week 02 to week 13 and delivered via online.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Final system presentation to client and staff 1-hour(team)2005
Presentation of the system to client and staff 30-minutes (team)1502, 03
System prototype and poster presentation to staff 30-minutes (team)502, 03
User documentation (20-pages) & revised Maintenance document,Fortnightly maintenance document upgrade and consistency check (80 pages) & system implementation (team)3002, 04
Sprint project management reports (200-words) weeks 2,4,6,8,10 (indvidual)3001, 02

Online, 2018, Study Block 2, Online


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorFei Liu

Class requirements

Unscheduled Online ClassWeek: 06 - 17
One 3.0 hours unscheduled online class per week on any day including weekend during the day from week 06 to week 17 and delivered via online.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Final system presentation to client and staff 1-hour(team)2005
Presentation of the system to client and staff 30-minutes (team)1502, 03
System prototype and poster presentation to staff 30-minutes (team)502, 03
User documentation (20-pages) & revised Maintenance document,Fortnightly maintenance document upgrade and consistency check (80 pages) & system implementation (team)3002, 04
Sprint project management reports (200-words) weeks 2,4,6,8,10 (indvidual)3001, 02

Online, 2018, Study Block 3, Online


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorFei Liu

Class requirements

Unscheduled Online ClassWeek: 10 - 21
One 3.0 hours unscheduled online class per week on any day including weekend during the day from week 10 to week 21 and delivered via online.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Final system presentation to client and staff 1-hour(team)2005
Presentation of the system to client and staff 30-minutes (team)1502, 03
System prototype and poster presentation to staff 30-minutes (team)502, 03
User documentation (20-pages) & revised Maintenance document,Fortnightly maintenance document upgrade and consistency check (80 pages) & system implementation (team)3002, 04
Sprint project management reports (200-words) weeks 2,4,6,8,10 (indvidual)3001, 02

Online, 2018, Study Block 4, Online


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorTorab Torabi

Class requirements

Unscheduled Online ClassWeek: 15 - 26
One 3.0 hours unscheduled online class per week on any day including weekend during the day from week 15 to week 26 and delivered via online.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Final system presentation to client and staff 1-hour(team)2005
Presentation of the system to client and staff 30-minutes (team)1502, 03
System prototype and poster presentation to staff 30-minutes (team)502, 03
User documentation (20-pages) & revised Maintenance document,Fortnightly maintenance document upgrade and consistency check (80 pages) & system implementation (team)3002, 04
Sprint project management reports (200-words) weeks 2,4,6,8,10 (indvidual)3001, 02

Online, 2018, Study Block 5, Online


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorTorab Torabi

Class requirements

Unscheduled Online ClassWeek: 19 - 30
One 3.0 hours unscheduled online class per week on any day including weekend during the day from week 19 to week 30 and delivered via online.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Final system presentation to client and staff 1-hour(team)2005
Presentation of the system to client and staff 30-minutes (team)1502, 03
System prototype and poster presentation to staff 30-minutes (team)502, 03
User documentation (20-pages) & revised Maintenance document,Fortnightly maintenance document upgrade and consistency check (80 pages) & system implementation (team)3002, 04
Sprint project management reports (200-words) weeks 2,4,6,8,10 (indvidual)3001, 02

Online, 2018, Study Block 6, Online


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorTorab Torabi

Class requirements

Unscheduled Online ClassWeek: 23 - 34
One 3.0 hours unscheduled online class per week on any day including weekend during the day from week 23 to week 34 and delivered via online.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Final system presentation to client and staff 1-hour(team)2005
Presentation of the system to client and staff 30-minutes (team)1502, 03
System prototype and poster presentation to staff 30-minutes (team)502, 03
User documentation (20-pages) & revised Maintenance document,Fortnightly maintenance document upgrade and consistency check (80 pages) & system implementation (team)3002, 04
Sprint project management reports (200-words) weeks 2,4,6,8,10 (indvidual)3001, 02

Online, 2018, Study Block 7, Online


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorTorab Torabi

Class requirements

Unscheduled Online ClassWeek: 28 - 39
One 3.0 hours unscheduled online class per week on any day including weekend during the day from week 28 to week 39 and delivered via online.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Final system presentation to client and staff 1-hour(team)2005
Presentation of the system to client and staff 30-minutes (team)1502, 03
System prototype and poster presentation to staff 30-minutes (team)502, 03
User documentation (20-pages) & revised Maintenance document,Fortnightly maintenance document upgrade and consistency check (80 pages) & system implementation (team)3002, 04
Sprint project management reports (200-words) weeks 2,4,6,8,10 (indvidual)3001, 02

Online, 2018, Study Block 8, Online


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorTorab Torabi

Class requirements

Unscheduled Online ClassWeek: 32 - 43
One 3.0 hours unscheduled online class per week on any day including weekend during the day from week 32 to week 43 and delivered via online.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Final system presentation to client and staff 1-hour(team)2005
Presentation of the system to client and staff 30-minutes (team)1502, 03
System prototype and poster presentation to staff 30-minutes (team)502, 03
User documentation (20-pages) & revised Maintenance document,Fortnightly maintenance document upgrade and consistency check (80 pages) & system implementation (team)3002, 04
Sprint project management reports (200-words) weeks 2,4,6,8,10 (indvidual)3001, 02

Online, 2018, Study Block 9, Online


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorTorab Torabi

Class requirements

Unscheduled Online ClassWeek: 36 - 47
One 3.0 hours unscheduled online class per week on any day including weekend during the day from week 36 to week 47 and delivered via online.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Final system presentation to client and staff 1-hour(team)2005
Presentation of the system to client and staff 30-minutes (team)1502, 03
System prototype and poster presentation to staff 30-minutes (team)502, 03
User documentation (20-pages) & revised Maintenance document,Fortnightly maintenance document upgrade and consistency check (80 pages) & system implementation (team)3002, 04
Sprint project management reports (200-words) weeks 2,4,6,8,10 (indvidual)3001, 02

Online, 2018, Study Block 10, Online


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorTorab Torabi

Class requirements

Unscheduled Online ClassWeek: 41 - 52
One 3.0 hours unscheduled online class per week on any day including weekend during the day from week 41 to week 52 and delivered via online.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Final system presentation to client and staff 1-hour(team)2005
Presentation of the system to client and staff 30-minutes (team)1502, 03
System prototype and poster presentation to staff 30-minutes (team)502, 03
User documentation (20-pages) & revised Maintenance document,Fortnightly maintenance document upgrade and consistency check (80 pages) & system implementation (team)3002, 04
Sprint project management reports (200-words) weeks 2,4,6,8,10 (indvidual)3001, 02

Online, 2018, Study Block 11, Online


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorTorab Torabi

Class requirements

Unscheduled Online ClassWeek: 45
One 3.0 hours unscheduled online class per week on any day including weekend during the day in week 45 and delivered via online.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Final system presentation to client and staff 1-hour(team)2005
Presentation of the system to client and staff 30-minutes (team)1502, 03
System prototype and poster presentation to staff 30-minutes (team)502, 03
User documentation (20-pages) & revised Maintenance document,Fortnightly maintenance document upgrade and consistency check (80 pages) & system implementation (team)3002, 04
Sprint project management reports (200-words) weeks 2,4,6,8,10 (indvidual)3001, 02

Online, 2018, Study Block 12, Online


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorTorab Torabi

Class requirements

Unscheduled Online ClassWeek: 49
One 3.0 hours unscheduled online class per week on any day including weekend during the day in week 49 and delivered via online.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Final system presentation to client and staff 1-hour(team)2005
Presentation of the system to client and staff 30-minutes (team)1502, 03
System prototype and poster presentation to staff 30-minutes (team)502, 03
User documentation (20-pages) & revised Maintenance document,Fortnightly maintenance document upgrade and consistency check (80 pages) & system implementation (team)3002, 04
Sprint project management reports (200-words) weeks 2,4,6,8,10 (indvidual)3001, 02