Not currently offered

Credit points: 15

Subject outline

This is an introduction to transportation systems including road, rail, air and maritime transport and the interaction of these transportation systems. Aspects such as transport economics, traffic prediction and management, road and street location and geometry, design traffic, subgrade evaluation, pavement materials, design of flexible and rigid pavements, drainage, pavement construction methods and road maintenance will be covered including the initiation to specific software implemented in the geometric and structural design of roads.

SchoolSchool Engineering&Mathematical Sciences

Credit points15

Subject Co-ordinatorDaniela Ionescu

Available to Study Abroad StudentsYes

Subject year levelYear Level 4 - UG/Hons/1st Yr PG

Exchange StudentsYes

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites CIV3SOM or CIV3GTA


Incompatible subjectsN/A

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Special conditionsN/A

Learning resources


Resource TypeTitleResource RequirementAuthor and YearPublisher
ReadingsRoad Engineering PracticePrescribedUnderwood, R T, 1995MACMILLAN CO OF AUST.

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

01. Evaluate transportation systems, their components and the impact of technology, modal issues and associated infrastructure on the development of transportation policies and planning.

The fundamental aspects of transportation systems and their components are introduced in lectures and further discussed and practiced in tutorials, the site visit and individual study. Assessed in design projects and exam. Students must demonstrate competency in recommending the correct transportation mode and infrastructure elements for the selected level of service and given demand in the design projects and exam questions.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Discipline-specific GCs(Discipline-specific GCs)
Inquiry/ Research(Inquiry/ Research)
Critical Thinking(Critical Thinking)

02. Produce geometric and structural designs of roads by evaluating socio-economic, geological and environmental data, and implementing professional specifications and (where applicable) specific computer software.

Design requirements are taught in lectures and reinforced in tutorials and the field trip. Reinforcement of this teaching is through practice problems and design projects. Students are required to demonstrate competency in completing set design projects and examination questions.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Creative Problem-solving(Creative Problem-solving)
Inquiry/ Research(Inquiry/ Research)
Discipline-specific GCs(Discipline-specific GCs)
Critical Thinking(Critical Thinking)
Quantitative Literacy/ Numeracy(Quantitative Literacy/ Numeracy)

03. Explain the significant concepts applicable to the planning, design and construction of airports.

These concepts are introduced in lectures and further discussed and reinforced in tutorial classes. Students must be able to explain the principle of airport planning, provide solution for development for the demand and select the correct materials and pavement types. This is assessed in the exam questions.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Creative Problem-solving(Creative Problem-solving)
Critical Thinking(Critical Thinking)
Discipline-specific GCs(Discipline-specific GCs)

04. Explain the structure of railway tracks, the role that track elements have on its performance and the significant principles of geometrical and structural design of railway tracks

Students are introduced to the critical aspects of designing and maintaining railway tracks in lectures, tutorial classes and individual study of prescribed reading. Students are required to show competency in critically analysing given conditions and recommending correct solutions to the set examination questions.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Inquiry/ Research(Inquiry/ Research)
Creative Problem-solving(Creative Problem-solving)
Discipline-specific GCs(Discipline-specific GCs)
Critical Thinking(Critical Thinking)

05. Analyse theory and practical aspects of basic traffic flow, speed and density relationships and level of service concept

The basic concepts are introduced in lectures and further discussed and reinforced in tutorial classes. Students must be able to demonstrate competency in applying the principle of traffic design for a level of service for a given road conditions. This is assessed in the exam questions.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Inquiry/ Research(Inquiry/ Research)
Discipline-specific GCs(Discipline-specific GCs)
Critical Thinking(Critical Thinking)
Creative Problem-solving(Creative Problem-solving)

06. Participate effectively as a member of the team in the design and analysis of transport engineering projects and apply ethical principles and professional standards when working in a team with peers.

Students are required to attend team meetings and effectively contribute to the research of specifications and standards, analysis of data and project design. The proper acknowledgement of individual contribution to the group work forms a part of marking criteria for report writing.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Ethical Awareness(Ethical Awareness)

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