psy6dab psych assessment b




Credit points: 10

Subject outline

This subject extends the knowledge base acquired in Psychological Assessment A and moves from a focus on psychometric theory, measurement and interpretation to focus on traditional and controversial assessments of psychopathological states. It presents a critical approach to classificatory systems such as DSM and ICD and discusses the limitations of the current system in the light of the research implicating genetic and psychobiological brain development in psychopathology. A collaborative and individualised approach to assessment informs this subject and students will be challenged to reflect on professional and ethical issues relating to psychologiucal assessment.

FacultyFaculty of Health Sciences

Credit points10

Subject Co-ordinatorMelissa Monfries

Available to Study Abroad StudentsNo

Subject year levelYear Level 6 - Doctoral

Exchange StudentsNo

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites Successful completion of PSY6DAA


Incompatible subjectsN/A

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Special conditions This subject is available to Doctor of Counselling Psychology students only and will run subject to sufficient enrolment numbers.

Learning resources


Resource TypeTitleResource RequirementAuthor and YearPublisher
ReadingsDiagnostic and statistical manual of mental disordersPrescribedAmerican Psychiatric Association 19944TH EDN, DSM IV, WASHINGTON DC
ReadingsHandbook of diagnosis and treatment of DSM-IV-TR personality disordersRecommendedSperry, L 2003BRUNNER-ROUTLEDGE, NEW YORK

Subject options

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Start date between: and    Key dates

Melbourne, 2014, Semester 2, Day


Online enrolmentNo

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorMelissa Monfries

Class requirements

One 3.0 hours lecture per week and delivered via face-to-face.
"One 3-hour lecture/seminar per week"


Assessment elementComments%
one 1,000-word critiqueThe critique is to be an assessment of the materials used to produce the report.50
one 2,000-word assessment reportAssessment report is to be with a child, adolescent, adult or family.50