phe2fse food science essentials



Not currently offered

Credit points: 15

Subject outline

In this subject, students are introduced to the basics of food science and food handling. A multidisciplinary approach examines the chemistry and biology of food, food handling procedures and the scientific basis for modern processing techniques used to extend the shelf life and maintain safety of different foods. Topics include basic food nutrition and health implications; food groups; basic food chemistry/biochemistry; chemical spoilage, basic scientific principles for food preservation; hygiene strategy and food handling, including fast foods; sample collection for analysis; hygiene legislation and nutrition policies.

FacultyFaculty of Health Sciences

Credit points15

Subject Co-ordinatorCameron Earl

Available to Study Abroad StudentsYes

Subject year levelYear Level 2 - UG

Exchange StudentsYes

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites BBI110 or BBI1LS1 or BIO11LS1 or HBS1LS1 or HBS1HBA, HBS1HBB or equivalent approved by Course or Subject Coordinator.


Incompatible subjectsN/A

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Special conditionsN/A

Learning resources


Resource TypeTitleResource RequirementAuthor and YearPublisher
ReadingsFood poisioning preventionPreliminaryMerry, G 19972ND EDN, MACMILLAN PUBLISHER.

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