che1c1b chemistry 1b




Credit points: 15

Subject outline

In this subject, students will be introduced to chemical hazards and the safe handling of inorganic and organic chemicals. The topics introduced are the chemistry of carbon compounds: alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic compounds, halides, phenols, ethers, nitro compounds, amines, aldehydes, ketones and carboxylic acids. The stereochemistry and its implications are introduced in some detail. Some reaction mechanisms of organic compounds will be introduced in addition to the systematic chemical identification of organic molecules. In this subject, the practical component consists of seven experiments of three hours each. These experiments deal with determination of alcohol content in wine, preparation of Aspirin, TLC analysis of analgesics drugs, molecular models and stereochemistry, relative rates of electrophilic aromatic substitution, the solubility and acid-base properties of organic compounds and functional group tests.

FacultyFaculty of Science, Tech & Engineering

Credit points15

Subject Co-ordinatorJasim Al-Rawi

Available to Study Abroad StudentsYes

Subject year levelYear Level 1 - UG

Exchange StudentsYes

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites CHE1C1A


Incompatible subjectsN/A

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Special conditionsN/A

Learning resources


Resource TypeTitleResource RequirementAuthor and YearPublisher
ReadingsOrganic chemistryPrescribedBruice, PY 20117TH ED, PRENTICE-HALL, INC. NEW JERSEY.
ReadingsFSTE First Year Survival Guide (second edition)RecommendedFaculty of Science, Technology and EngineeringLA TROBE UNIVERSITY 2012

Subject options

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Start date between: and    Key dates

Bendigo, 2014, Semester 2, Day


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorJasim Al-Rawi

Class requirements

LectureWeek: 31 - 43
Three 1.0 hours lecture per week on weekdays during the day from week 31 to week 43 and delivered via face-to-face.

PracticalWeek: 31 - 43
One 3.0 hours practical per week on weekdays during the day from week 31 to week 43 and delivered via face-to-face.
"There are eight practical sessions in the semester."

TutorialWeek: 31 - 43
One 1.0 hours tutorial per week on weekdays during the day from week 31 to week 43 and delivered via face-to-face.
"The tutorial classes focus on a set of problems that are given out each week"


Assessment elementComments%
3-hour examinationStudents must obtain at least 40% in the examination in order to pass the subject60
practical work20
problem-based assignment (equiv 400 words)10
tutorial problems (equiv 500 words)10

Malaysia, 2014, Semester 1, Day


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorJasim Al-Rawi

Class requirements

LectureWeek: 10 - 22
Three 1.0 hours lecture per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 22 and delivered via face-to-face.

PracticalWeek: 10 - 22
One 3.0 hours practical per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 22 and delivered via face-to-face.

TutorialWeek: 10 - 22
One 1.0 hours tutorial per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 22 and delivered via face-to-face.


Assessment elementComments%
3-hour examinationStudents must obtain at least 40% in the examination in order to pass the subject60
practical work20
problem-based assignment (equiv 400 words)10
tutorial problems (equiv 500 words)10

Malaysia, 2014, Semester 2, Day


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorJasim Al-Rawi

Class requirements

TutorialWeek: 31 - 43
One 1.0 hours tutorial per week on weekdays during the day from week 31 to week 43 and delivered via face-to-face.

PracticalWeek: 31 - 43
One 3.0 hours practical per week on weekdays during the day from week 31 to week 43 and delivered via face-to-face.

LectureWeek: 31 - 43
Three 1.0 hours lecture per week on weekdays during the day from week 31 to week 43 and delivered via face-to-face.


Assessment elementComments%
3-hour examinationStudents must obtain at least 40% in the examination in order to pass the subject60
practical work20
problem-based assignment (equiv 400 words)10
tutorial problems (equiv 500 words)10