Credit points: 15

This subject addresses La Trobe's Sustainability Thinking Essential. Sustainability Thinking entails deep appreciation of how the choices we make affects the natural, economic, social, political and cultural systems — now and in the future.

Subject outline

In this subject, students will develop competence and skills to teach science in primary schools. We will explore science, with a particular focus on the concepts within physical, biological and chemical sciences and the environment. Students will explore innovative pedagogies for teaching and learning in science and investigate curriculum resources available for teaching science, environmental and sustainability topics. We will also examine contemporary issues that intersect with science education (including choices affecting the public good and the wellbeing of future generations) and are suitable for classroom exploration. ICT skills associated with accessing, processing and communicating in a blended learning environment are embedded within the course and utilised in activities and assessment tasks. This subject addresses La Trobe#s Sustainability Thinking Essential. Sustainability thinking entails deep appreciation of how the choices we make affects the natural, economic, social, political and cultural systems # now and in the future.

SchoolSchool of Education

Credit points15

Subject Co-ordinatorPrem Kurup

Available to Study Abroad StudentsYes

Subject year levelYear Level 2 - UG

Exchange StudentsYes

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites Only available to students enrolled in EBTP Bachelor of Teaching (Primary), EBTS Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary), EBTOCE Bachelor of Teaching (Outreach and Community Education), AZAAE - Bachelor of Arts/Arts Education, SZSSE - Bachelor of Science/Science Education.


Incompatible subjectsN/A

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Special conditionsN/A

Learning resources


Resource TypeTitleResource RequirementAuthor and YearPublisher
ReadingsTeaching Primary Science Constructively 4th Ed.PrescribedSkamp, K.,(Ed)(2012)MELBOURNE: THOMPSON
ReadingsWorking Scientifically:Implementing and Assessing Open Investigation Work in Science.PreliminaryHackling, M (2005)DET, WA
ReadingsWorking Scientifically: Implementing and Assessing Open Investigation Work in Science..., M (2005)DET, WA
ReadingsEducation for sustainability in the primary curriculum: A guide for teachers.RecommendedLittledyke, M., Taylor, N., & Eames, C. (2009)Palgrave Macmillan.
ReadingsLearning and Teaching Primary ScienceRecommendedFitzgerald, A. (Ed.). (2013)Cambridge University Press
ReadingsEducating for SustainabilityRecommendedNolet. V. (2016)Routledge
ReadingsPrimary Connections... version (2008)Australian Academy of Science
ReadingsScience Continuum... (updated)DEECD
ReadingsCurrent Sample Science Program... (updated)DEECD
ReadingsSample Science Program...
ReadingsTeachers' Online Primary ScienceRecommended2002DEET
ReadingsVELS (Archived)...
ReadingsScootle... You will need to register and create a login with your #edu# La Trobe email... Government Department of Education

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

01. Demonstrate an ability to find and incorporate appropriate curriculum knowledge associated with teaching science and the environment in schools through effective planning for teaching # including the ability to access relevant science and environment curriculum documents and apply them in planning for learning, and to select appropriate resources.

Students will gain first-hand experience with the relevant documents of AusVELS through VCAA site, National Curriculum through ACARA and Sustainability for Education concepts. Quality resources will be a focus and this will incorporate not only the guidance recommended from curriculum documents, but going beyond this to reputable texts, websites, education providers and articles.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

02. Design and construct learning environments that are meaningful and engaging for learners and which meet their learning needs.

Lectures and tutorials interactions will provide content and delivery for science activities. This will progressively grow throughout the course with a focus fortnightly on the Understanding AusVELS substrands. Holistically the concepts of Human Endeavour and Inquiry Skills will be constantly integrated in how and why of teaching approaches students will encounter.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

03. Develop method-specific assessment tasks of teaching and learning for a variety of formative and summative purposes.

Variety of resources, approaches and methods of delivery will be exposed through tutorials and lectures. Participation in tutorials which are presented in different modes scopes innovation and creativity when designing for teaching. There emphasis on the skills and understandings required at each year level sets expectations for formative and summative assessment.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

04. Critically reflect on learning in order to improve professional knowledge and professional skills in terms of system thinking and responsible futures

Students will constantly present content they have produced using quality resources suitable for Primary Science teaching. This develops a group approach to content development but is enhanced by peer review and feedback from both lecturer and peers.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

05. Access relevant science and environment curriculum documents and apply them in planning for learning that includes interdisciplinary, sustainable thinking and learning for the future

Students will gain first-hand experience with the relevant documents of AusVELS through VCAA site, National Curriculum through ACARA and Sustainability for Education concepts. Quality resources will be a focus and this will incorporate not only the guidance recommended from curriculum documents, but going beyond this to reputable texts, websites, education providers and articles.
Related graduate capabilities and elements:
Discipline -Specific Knowledge and Skills(Discipline-Specific Knowledge and Skills)

Subject options

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Start date between: and    Key dates

Melbourne, 2017, Semester 1, Day


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorPrem Kurup

Class requirements

LectureWeek: 10 - 22
One 1.0 hours lecture per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 22 and delivered via face-to-face.

TutorialWeek: 10 - 22
One 2.0 hours tutorial per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 22 and delivered via face-to-face.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Develop and report on an experiment/activity for the primary classroom (1500-words equivalent)Develop and report on an open ended investigation where activities are created around a problem and suitable for the Primary classroom.3501, 02, 03, 04, 05
Folio of created scientific activities for a Science Resource Folder (2500-words equivalent)Folio or journal of created scientific activities and observation to produce a Science Teaching Resource Folder.6501, 02, 04, 05