Withdrawing from your course

You can withdraw from your course by submitting a discontinuation of enrolment form.

Before you withdraw

Before you make your final decision to withdraw, discuss your plans with:

They can help you to explore other options like deferring your course or taking a leave of absence.

Note: There are financial and academic penalties if you withdraw after census date.

Alternative exit options

Some courses have an option for Alternative exit, meaning you can exit your course at an earlier stage or complete a different award to the one you were originally studying. You may be eligible if you have completed subjects that satisfy the requirements of a different award. For example, you may be able to exit from a double degree as a single degree, or exit a Master's degree as a Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate. To check if you are eligible and if this is an option for your course, please see your Course Handbook and to apply, complete the online Alternative exit form.

How to withdraw

You cannot withdraw from a subject once the teaching period in which it is being taught has ended.

Domestic students

To withdraw from your course, complete the Discontinuation of Enrolment form in StudentOnLine.

For help withdrawing from a subject, watch this video tutorial or follow these steps:

  • If you change your mind about a subject and decide to withdraw, you can access the StudentOnLine portal and click on the 'My Study' tile. Go to the side menu and select 'Withdraw from a Subject'. You will see all subjects you are enrolled in.
  • Select the subject you want to withdraw from, tick the box & select ‘Confirm' to select your reason for withdrawing and then click OK.
  • You will see a notification that you have successfully withdrawn from the subject.

Please note if the subject’s census date has passed the date will show as red on the withdrawal page. This is to alert to you of the financial and academic responsibility you will have if you decide to withdraw.

More information for this is available on the withdrawing from a subject after census date FAQ.

If this was an elective subject, you will need to go to 'Manage my Course' and remove the scheduled subject by clicking the 'Remove' button. You will then be able to make a new selection.

International student visa holders

See: Withdrawal and leave of absence for International students.

Graduate research students

To withdraw from your course, complete the Graduate Research Withdrawal of Candidature form via StudentOnLine.

To withdraw from a subject, complete the Graduate Research Add or Remove Subjects form via StudentOnLine. You must submit your request in advance of the relevant census date as retrospective applications cannot be approved.

Contact the Graduate Research School (GRS) to discuss course withdrawal.

Open Universities Australia (OUA) students

Contact OUA to discuss your options before withdrawing.
Single subject enrolments can be self-withdrawn via the OUA Student Hub.
The OUA Degree Discontinuation form can also be located on the OUA Student Hub.