Industry Placement subjects

The Industry Placement subjects are 15 credit point elective subjects designed to help students to develop employability skills within a professional setting. The 100 hour industry placement experience is designed by students, to meet their interests, with the support of La Trobe academic staff.

Available to undergraduate students in their second and third year and postgraduate students across all La Trobe University campuses, LTU3IND and LTU5IND respectively, offer a range of domestic placement opportunities.

The requirements

Students will need to complete the following as part of their enrolment in LTU3IND or LTU5IND:

  • complete 100 hours of an approved placement opportunity
  • contribute to an industry placement experience in a meaningful way as a supervised professional; this may include working on solving an organisational problem, developing a new activity, analysing data to improve a work practice, and more.

In most cases, LTU3IND and LTU5IND requires students to source a placement. The Industry Placement team has tools and resources to help students to identify suitable organisations and guide them through the process. The placement must be approved by the Subject Coordinator before the commencement of the Term, or students will be required to withdraw from the subject.

La Trobe University also offers university sourced placements that are made available to you throughout the year.

The Industry Venture Challenge

For undergraduate students who are considering a 100 hour, 15 credit point placement subject (LTU3IND), you can now complete this as part of the Industry Venture Challenge. In this 6-week program, students form interdisciplinary consultancy teams to solve real challenges for partnering organisations.

You'll present your findings, implementation plan and receive feedback from industry supervisors and mentors.  You’ll also connect with like-minded students, have fun, develop your problem solving and creative thinking skills, gain industry connections, learn how to pitch and present, win prizes and so much more!

Key information

Eligibility requirements

Subject codeYear levelMin credit points completedOther requirements
LTU3IND2nd or 3rd Year120Have a spare 15 credit point elective in your study plan
LTU5INDYear Level 5 Masters Have a spare 15 credit point elective in your study plan

Other requirements include:

  • placement activities must constitute a genuine work integrated learning opportunity
  • you must have a dedicated workplace supervisor
  • the placement must be approved by La Trobe University before commencement

LTU3IND and LTU5IND La Trobe University Handbook

For information regarding each subject's learning objectives, requirements and study options, please refer to the La Trobe University Handbook:

Key dates and how to apply

Find out more about the application process and key dates that relate to university sourced and student sourced placements by visiting the How to Apply page.

Contact us

For further information about the industry placement subjects, the application process and placement opportunities, please email: