mic2mi introductory microbiology




Credit points: 15

Subject outline

MIC2MI is a basic introductory unit, a discipline not taught in first year. Three major areas are covered in three blocks of lectures, with three lectures per week for approximately four weeks in each area. These areas are: Introductory Microbiology (including Applied Microbiology), Microbial Genetics and Microbial Diversity. Apart from providing the relevant information essential for emerging microbiologists, important key concepts are taught through the use of animation and videos, while other concepts are modelled in class. Laboratory classes (2 hours per week) with experiments directly relating to the lecture content are run in parallel to the lectures. Students are under constant supervision and guided by demonstrators (one demonstrator per group of 12 to 18 students), where they learn the handling, manipulation and identification of a variety of important microorganisms.

SchoolSchool of Life Sciences

Credit points15

Subject Co-ordinatorAnna Morris

Available to Study Abroad StudentsYes

Subject year levelYear Level 2 - UG

Exchange StudentsYes

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites (BIO1OF or BIO1MGC or BIO1APM) or if enrolled in Bachelor of Human Nutrition (HBHN) must pass all subjects in {HBS1HBA, HBS1HBB and (BIO1GEN or BIO1APM)} Alternatively, satisfactory performance (60% or above) in BIO1EEB will also be accepted. Students must also have completed at least 90 first year credit points.


Incompatible subjects AGR31ANP, AGR3ANH, AGR3ANI

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Special conditions Students are required to wear laboratory coats and shoes in teaching laboratories.

Learning resources


Resource TypeTitleResource RequirementAuthor and YearPublisher
ReadingsBrock: Biology of Micro organismsPrescribedMadigan, M. T. Martinko, J. M. Dunlap, P.V. and Clark, D.P.14TH EDN. PEARSON 2015
ReadingsPrescott's MicrobiologyPrescribedWilley, J.M., Sherwood, L.M. and Woolverton, C.J.9TH EDN. MCGRAW HILL 2014

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

01. Use correct vocabulary to describe and/or explain microbiological concepts, such as the basic processes in microbial genetics, classification and diversity of microorganisms, the diverse forms of microbial metabolism, and the basic requirements for life.

Lectures provide details on microbiological concepts and laboratory sessions enable experiments to be conducted that illustrate the concepts. Two laboratory experiments are written up as scientific reports, following the format from 1st year (FSTE survival guide). Following the laboratory sessions, question sheets are completed.

02. Use key microbiological techniques to manipulate microorganisms for experiments in the laboratory.

Laboratory sessions enable students to practice techniques which are tested in the practical exam

03. Present data and analyse findings on two microbiological experiments in a scientific report.

Two laboratory experiments written up as scientific reports, following the format from 1st year (FSTE survival guide).

04. Perform basic mathematical calculations and prepare graphic representations to aid in the interpretation of experimental data.

Calculations and graphical representations will be performed as part of the laboratory classes, and instructions will be provided in the pre-lab talks and by the demonstrators.

05. Demonstrate independent learning and research skills by locating, interrogating and evaluating relevant scientific information.

Students will be instructed in the lectures and during the laboratory classes on the importance of accessing appropriate and reliable sources of information.

Subject options

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Start date between: and    Key dates

Melbourne, 2016, Semester 1, Day


Online enrolmentNo

Maximum enrolment size280

Enrolment information Laboratory space. Enrolment based on academic merit in the first year.

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorAnna Morris

Class requirements

LectureWeek: 10 - 22
Three 1.0 hours lecture per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 22 and delivered via face-to-face.

Laboratory ClassWeek: 10 - 22
One 2.0 hours laboratory class per week on weekdays during the day from week 10 to week 22 and delivered via face-to-face.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Two 1-hour practical examination2002
One 3-hour written examination6001, 04
One group Laboratory report (equivalent to 1000 words) 1001, 03, 04, 05
One multimedia prac assessment task (eg making of a video clip)10