oct4eca enabling change (aged)




Credit points: 30

Subject outline

In this subject students will describe, apply and critique the principles of assessment and intervention for clients with problems related to capacities to engage in activities, occupations, and participation in community life. Foundation occupational therapy skills will be established which will be further developed through the subsequent subjects ECB and ECC. All cases will relate to older adults. Intervention principles will focus on the use of meaningful occupation and also incorporate environmental supports and barriers (advocacy, organisational change, environmental adaptation).

SchoolSchool of Allied Health

Credit points30

Subject Co-ordinatorAnne Williams

Available to Study Abroad StudentsNo

Subject year levelYear Level 4 - UG/Hons/1st Yr PG

Exchange StudentsNo

Subject particulars

Subject rules

Prerequisites Must have passed HBS2ALU, HBS3PAN, OCT4HOB and enrolled in one of the following courses: HZHSOT, HZHSOB, HZHSOM, HZHSOS, HZHSOW -Bachelor of Health Sciences/Master of Occupational Therapy Prac, OR Must have passed OCT4HOB and enrolled in one of the following courses: HMOTH, HMOTPB - Master of Occupational Therapy Prac, SZPSOT - Bachelor of Psychological Science/Master of Occupational Therapy Prac


Incompatible subjectsN/A

Equivalent subjectsN/A

Special conditions Must be enrolled in one of the following courses: HZHSOT, HZHSOB, HZHSOM, HZHSOS, HZHSOW, HMOTH, HMOTPB, SZPSOT

Learning resources


Resource TypeTitleResource RequirementAuthor and YearPublisher
ReadingsA Model of Human Occupation: Theory and ApplicationPrescribedKielhofner, G 20084TH EDN, LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS, BALTIMORE
ReadingsEnabling occupation II: Advancing an occupational therapy vision for health, well-being and justice through occupationPrescribedTownsend, E A & Polatajko H J 20132ND EDN, CAOT PUBLICATIONS ACE, OTTAWA ON
ReadingsEvidence based practice across the health professionsPrescribedHoffman, T, Bennet, S & Del Mar, C 20132ND EDITION, CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE, ELSEVIER, SYDNEY
ReadingsOccupational Therapy for physical dysfunction.PrescribedRadomski M V & Trombly Lathan, C A 20147TH EDN LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS, SYDNEY
ReadingsOccupational Therapy in Mental HealthPrescribedBrown, C & Stoffel, V 2011FA DAVIS CO, PHILADELPHIA

Graduate capabilities & intended learning outcomes

01. Select, synthesise and apply occupational therapy conceptual models to scenarios, including analysing occupational performance issues experienced by older adults.

Activity analysis Group presentations of intervention plans in SBL tutorials Case conference oral presentation

02. Critically analyse and apply professional practice models to guide assessment and intervention decisions for older adults.

Activity analysis Group presentations of intervention plans in SBL tutorials. Case conference oral presentation.

03. Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of assessment and use professional reasoning to select, administer and interpret occupational therapy assessment s used with older adults.

Environmental modification assignment Group presentations of intervention plans in SBL tutorials. Case conference oral presentations.

04. Analyse contextual factors relating to older adults' physical, institutional, social and cultural environments and transform this information into intervention design.

Environmental modification assignment Group presentations of intervention plans in SBL tutorials. Case conference oral presentation.

05. Design and communicate occupational therapy intervention for older adults using professional reasoning and authoritative evidence.

Group presentations of intervention plans in SBL tutorials. Case conference oral presentation EBP assignment

06. Demonstrate critical and reflective learning about occupational therapy with older adults achieved through participation in the processes of scenario based learning and skills classes.

:earning Portfolio

Subject options

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Start date between: and    Key dates

Bendigo, 2015, Week 14-26, Day


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorAnne Williams

Class requirements

LectureWeek: 14 - 25
Two 1.0 hours lecture per week on weekdays during the day from week 14 to week 25 and delivered via face-to-face.
"or via ECHO"

Collaborative Based LearningWeek: 14 - 26
Two 2.0 hours collaborative based learning per week on weekdays during the day from week 14 to week 26 and delivered via face-to-face.

PracticalWeek: 14 - 25
One 2.0 hours practical per week on weekdays during the day from week 14 to week 25 and delivered via face-to-face.

WorkShopWeek: 14 - 25
One 2.5 hours workshop per week on weekdays during the day from week 14 to week 25 and delivered via face-to-face.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Evidence-based practice - appraise and apply quantitative research (1500 words, Individual)2001, 02, 03, 04, 06
Environmental Modification Report (Group, 1000 words & 1 I ndividually drawn plan per student)3003, 04
Intervention plan & skill demonstration (Group, 750 word plan & 7.5 min presentation per student)2001, 02, 03, 04, 05
Oral exam: 40 min case conference: 10 mins case presentation/discussion & 1000 word plan per studentHurdle - pass mark in oral exam- students must achieve a pass mark (50%) in the oral exam to pass the subject Hurdle: Satisfactory participation in Scenario based learning tutorials3001, 02, 03, 04, 05

Melbourne, 2015, Week 14-26, Day


Online enrolmentYes

Maximum enrolment sizeN/A

Enrolment information

Subject Instance Co-ordinatorAnne Williams

Class requirements

LectureWeek: 14 - 25
Two 1.0 hours lecture per week on weekdays during the day from week 14 to week 25 and delivered via face-to-face.
"or via ECHO"

Problem Based LearningWeek: 14 - 26
Two 2.0 hours problem based learning per week on weekdays during the day from week 14 to week 26 and delivered via face-to-face.

PracticalWeek: 14 - 25
One 2.0 hours practical per week on weekdays during the day from week 14 to week 25 and delivered via face-to-face.

WorkShopWeek: 14 - 25
One 2.5 hours workshop per week on weekdays during the day from week 14 to week 25 and delivered via face-to-face.


Assessment elementComments%ILO*
Evidence-based practice - appraise and apply quantitative research (1500 words, Individual)2001, 02, 03, 04, 06
Environmental Modification Report (Group, 1000 words & 1 I ndividually drawn plan per student)3003, 04
Intervention plan & skill demonstration (Group, 750 word plan & 7.5 min presentation per student)2001, 02, 03, 04, 05
Oral exam: 40 min case conference: 10 mins case presentation/discussion & 1000 word plan per studentHurdle - pass mark in oral exam- students must achieve a pass mark (50%) in the oral exam to pass the subject Hurdle: Satisfactory participation in Scenario based learning tutorials3001, 02, 03, 04, 05