Quick tips
What is the URL for Office 365?
For people having trouble remembering the Microsoft URL we've setup a La Trobe address that redirects. This URL is http://office365.latrobe.edu.au
How do I logon?
Sign in with your La Trobe student username i.e. jbloggs@students.ltu.edu.au or 12345678@students.ltu.edu.au and your La Trobe University logon password.
How do I avoid having to type my email address each time?
When accessing the Office 365 web page from a personal device tick the box "Keep me signed in" on the logon screen Next time you visit the page your email address will be remembered (you'll still need to enter your password).
How do I activate my installation of Office Pro Plus?
If you have installed Office Pro Plus on a Mac computer, you will need to launch one of the Office applications and click Log In to activate your copy of Office Pro Plus.