Measuring recovery from alcohol and other drug use: a collaborative research study

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Two women smiling and looking at an ipad ARCSHS invites you to a presentation by Professor Jo Neale (Kings College, London). Jo will talk about how one small study, conducted in collaboration with people with living and lived experience of substance abuse, turned into a 10-year programme of work.

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Wednesday 08 November 2023 02:00 pm until Wednesday 08 November 2023 03:30 pm (Add to calendar)
Associate Professor Sarah MacLean;

Care Economy Research Institute.

Presented by:
Professor Jo Neale
Type of Event:
Public Lecture; Seminar/Workshop/Training; Public

Measuring recovery from alcohol and other drug use: a collaborative research study.

Jo will talk about how one small study, conducted in collaboration with people with living and lived experience of substance use, turned into a 10-year programme of work. The study began with an attempt to try to define and measure recovery from the perspective of people accessing alcohol and other drug services and ended with a patient reported outcome measure that is now used internationally, plus a mobile phone application with over 1,000 downloads. Jo and her team believe that the collaborative spirit in which the research was undertaken is behind its longevity and impact achieved. However, it has not all been plain sailing and the team have learned a lot on this (on-going) journey. They are keen to share their experiences and receive feedback.

Jo will be introduced by:

Dr Sarah MacLean: Associate Professor  Social Work and Social Policy and  Co-lead CERI Care Experience, La Trobe University, Melbourne.

Professor Lisa Brophy: Discipline Lead Social Work & Social Policy and Co-lead, CERI Care Experience La Trobe University, Melbourne

Dr. Kate Seear: Principal Research Fellow in the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) La Trobe University, Melbourne

About Jo Neale

Jo Neale is Professor of Addictions Qualitative Research (Kings College, London) based within the National Addiction Centre and working across the Biomedical Research Centre for Mental Health at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience. She is also Conjunct Professor in the Centre for Social Research in Health at the University of New South Wales, Australia.

Jo is a social scientist by training and qualified as a social worker in 1989. She subsequently completed an MSc in Women’s Studies and a DPhil in Social Policy and Social Work at the University of York. Since then, she has held academic positions at the University of Glasgow, the University of York, and Oxford Brookes University, where she was Professor of Public Health. Jo joined King’s College London in 2013.


This is a hybrid event and will be held at La Trobe's Melbourne (Bundoora) campus, Western Lecture Theatre 3 and online via zoom.

Western Lecture Theatre 3, Building 6, La Trobe University Melbourne (Bundoora)

West Lecture Theatres, Bundoora VIC



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