Research themes

Our researchers work in partnership with community groups, industry and government to address issues of local, national and international importance.

Our research is focused on six priority areas, linked to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Our expertise across disciplines positions us to excel in these areas and positively impact our communities.

Research Themes

Discover our research themes

Sustainable food & agriculture

Sustainable food & agriculture

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Resilient environments & communities

Resilient environments & communities

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Healthy people, families & communities

Healthy people, families & communities

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Understanding & preventing disease

Understanding & preventing disease

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Social change & equity

Social change & equity

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Digital technology & transformation

Introducing our new theme led by Professor Ani Desai - more information soon!

Meet our Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry Engagement)

Photo of Professor Chris Pakes

La Trobe is deeply engaged with and committed to addressing the world’s biggest issues, from health research and collaboration to reducing inequality and discrimination. We work collaboratively across disciplines and with partners to develop fresh ways of thinking; conducting research to find solutions for the issues facing our society.

Professor Chris Pakes
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Industry Engagement)

Discover real impact in our research themes


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