About the Department

The La Trobe School of Rural Health celebrates and supports students with their studies in their home regions, encourages placements within rural communities, and works to ensure our rural health workforce is as strong and dynamic as anywhere else in the country.

We believe that by providing a fully immersive and supportive rural and regional learning experience, students will be inspired by the vibrancy of regional Victoria and Australia and choose to stay.

The valuable experience gained on placements, gives students the ability to develop a greater appreciation and understanding of the benefits of working and living in rural and regional communities.

The La Trobe Rural Health School provides equal opportunities for students from all backgrounds and locations to study that sets them on their path to becoming health professionals.


  • To deliver a world class flexible learning experience, developed by leading practitioners, that gives health discipline students the right skills for their future careers
  • To increase rural and regional placements for health students which will enhance student experience and career options
  • Offer disadvantaged rural and regional students the opportunity to study health disciplines
  • Deliver a nurturing and mutually beneficial mentoring program  to support students and the community
  • Lead research projects that stem from the needs of the community
  • Increase our research industry partners to benefit communities
  • Involve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in research activities that help guide and shape our nation
  • Increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander enrolments in health disciplines which leads to greater health outcomes for our indigenous people.
  • Provide support programs and mentorship to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander high school students to support them on their career journey to become health professionals

Contact us

If you have any inquiries specific to the La Trobe Rural Health School, please send us an email.

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The La Trobe School of Rural Health is funded by the Australian Commonwealth Government.

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