Department of Public Health partnerships

The Department of Public Health partners with a range of Australian and international health organisations and institutions.

Our goal is to expand, foster and sustain industry and community partnerships to strengthen interdisciplinary and intersectoral engagement in our teaching and research.

Together we are making new discoveries and training the next generation of professionals to improve the health and wellbeing of our communities.

Australian partnerships

We partner with a range of organisations in Australia to address the root causes of health across different populations and communities, services and systems.

These include governments, health services, care facilities, employers, and community and consumer organisations to ensure our education and research programs are contemporary and meet the needs of our communities.

For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, our Department worked with Northern Health to develop and prototype a virtual triage model for its Emergency Department. The model has since been extended to all Victorian public hospitals.

International partnerships

We are globally connected, partnering with international agencies and academic centres.

These partnerships support a range of research and teaching programs including joint grants, health leadership development, degree courses, short courses, academic staff exchange and student mobility.

For example, we have been an academic leader in Prolead, a health promotion leadership development project coordinated by the World Health Organization.