
Eucalyptus tricarpa

Eucalyptus tricarpa

Eucalyptus tricarpa is commonly known as Red Ironbark.

Eucalypt pollen has typically three pores, situated at the blunt corners of the roughly triangular grain. Pollen grains show little sculpturing on the outside and are relatively small in size. Although many different insects and birds visit the flowers, it could well be that some of these pollen grains are carried by the wind. Flowering of red ironbarks is rather irregular, thus to have many potential pollinators may be an advantage for this species.

Pollen images

Electron microscopy

 Melaleuca decussata

Melaleuca decussata

Melaleuca decussata or Totem Poles as it is more commonly known, has typical flowers for the Myrtaceae.

The flowers are arranged in a bottle-brush type display with many individual flowers crowded together to form the short 'bottle brush'. Bees are often seen on these flowers, but birds may also be involved in pollination, 'accidently' as they flit through the shrubs looking for insects.

Pollen images

Electron microscopy