Artery 2023 School of Agriculture, Biomedicine and Environment art competition
Artery 2023 is an art competition which showcases the art imagery we see during our science endeavours. The theme for the competition ‘Agriculture, Biomedicine and Environment’ aligns with our new School and encompasses both teaching and research. The aim is to capture artistic science imagery and audio that shows the perspectives of our scientists and students. These images will be used in the future to promote the tremendous research and teaching activities undertaken by our staff and students.
This competition is solely for those affiliated with the School of Agriculture, Biomedicine and Environment, La Trobe University.
All of our School's activities need positive scientific images to explain theories, provide scientific evidence for publication and capture research observational data. We have an opportunity to review our collective image libraries or create new pieces, and share some amazing images and audio to promote the science we do and how we share this with our students.
The School intends to grow its collection of high quality scientific images to use for promoting and marketing our courses and our research to prospective and current students, industry partners, philanthropic organisations and the general public. If you would like to be part of this initiative and have something to contribute, you are very welcome to enter this competition.
The competition is open 1 June – 31 October 2023
Competition Terms and Conditions
Entries will be accepted in the following categories:
Winner and Runner up prizes will be awarded in each of the eight categories – Photography (Animals, Plants and People), Photography (Landscapes), Photography (Under the Microscope), Painting/Drawing, Digital Art, Video Outreach, 3D Physical Art, Audio.
There will also be an Overall winner prize, Overall Student (Honours & HDR) winner prize and People's Choice prize.
1st prize: $200 (in each of 8 categories)
2nd prize: $75 (in each of 8 categories)
People’s Choice: $200
Overall Student (Honours & HDR) Prize: $200
Overall Winner: $250
- Chance to feature in the School of Agriculture, Biomedicine and Environment 2024 Calender (15 pics to be chosen from all entries)School of Agriculture, Biomedicine and Environment
- Certificate for prize winners (13 Certificates) Poster print of the winning first prize entries and people’s choice (i.e. 7 posters)
- Winning entries will be featured throughout the School’s outreach and marketing materials
- Selected entries and all winners will be exhibited at a formal viewing at a future time
- Selected entries to be displayed on our new School of Agriculture, Biomedicine and Environment Facebook Page (with consent and protection)
Selection Criteria for Prizes
- Creativity
- Use of artistic licence
- Image comes from School of Agriculture, Biomedicine and Environment
- Depicts science themes such as:
- science at work
- animal behaviour
- science education
- research digital images
- field experiments
- animals
- plants
- minerals
- microbiology
- soil sciences
- geology
- ecology
- evolution
- environment
- physiology
- anatomy
- chemistry
- biochemistry
- microscopy
- cell biology
- visual communication of science endeavour
The Competition is a game of skill only and chance plays no part in determining winners. Each entry will be individually judged on the basis of scientific merit, aesthetics and technical quality. The People’s Choice Award will be judged by the number of ‘likes’ the Entry receives on the School of Agriculture, Biomedicine and Environment Facebook page (one vote per person).
Selection will take place by the end of December 2023 and prizes announced thereafter.
Winner notification
The winners will be notified by email (to their staff or student email account) and all prizes will be decided by an expert panel. Any decision of La Trobe regarding selection of the winners is final and binding. If after reasonable efforts, a winner cannot be contacted or cannot accept their prize, La Trobe reserves the right to select a different winner. If any event prevents or hinders the Competition or La Trobe’s ability to deliver the prize, La Trobe may in its absolute discretion cancel the Competition, select another winner or provide a similar prize of equivalent value. Prizes to be announced but will include promotion of the artwork throughout various media.