Water Performance

Annual Water Consumption

The Annual Water Consumption graph highlights that municipal water consumption, which represents the major water source. Other water sources include surface water (Moat) and waste water from another organisation. The Annual Water Performance graph shows our annual water data for the last 5 calendar years. The data for the current year is updated quarterly.

View the Annual Water Performance graph

How does our water get used?

  • Municipal Water Supply - water that comes from outside of the campus grounds
  • Surface Water - water that is used from the moat at the Melbourne Campus to water large sports fields
  • Rainwater Collection - water that is collected in rainwater tanks and used at most campuses for watering gardens and flushing toilets
  • Recycled Water - we use recycled water at our Albury-Wodonga Campus to water gardens

Help us reduce water usage at La Trobe

What can you do at home?

  • Have shorter showers and install a water-efficient showerhead
  • Turn off taps when brushing your teeth or washing dishes
  • Buy water-efficient appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers
  • Capture and utilise rainwater at home
  • Wait until you have a full load of washing for the dishwasher and the washing machine before use
  • Use the half tank to flush the toilet when you can
  • Have indigenous plants in your garden that require less water

Find out what more you can do at home here.

Our contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Our work on reducing our water use is key in protecting the planets most precious resource. It also helps our residential college residents embed quality water-saving practices which we hope they continue to adopt later in life.

It helps us contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

UN sustainability development Goal 6 clean water and santationUN sustainability development goal - Goal 13 Climate Action