Care Workforce

Championing the paid and unpaid workers, and volunteers at the foundation of our Care Economy.

The crisis in the recruitment and retention of our care workforce is amplified by inadequate career pathways and training, and the constraints on carers using their skills across sectors.

Led by Professors Meg Morris and Rachel Winterton researchers are identifying trends in the current and future care workforce in Australia, and developing solutions supporting the recruitment, upskilling and retention of formal and informal carers who can transition across all the care sectors.

Our priorities over the next year are to:

  • recruitment and retention of care workforce,
  • psychological and physical safety of care workers,
  • capability of care workforce for evidence-based service delivery

Our projects include

Professor Meg Morris, and her team are assessing how hospitals can reduce the risks of falls within their environment. In conjunction with partner, Healthscope, the analysis of data from this clinical trial will identify how patient outcomes while in care can be improved.

Co-designing an integrated care model is the primary aim of core member, Dr Rachel Winterton’s research. In partnership with health services across the Upper Hume region of Victoria, this project is evaluating current service models with a view to supporting the development of a multi-disciplinary approach.

Dr Richard Gray and his team are working closely with Peninsula Health to better understand their approach and its effectiveness to supporting patients accessing mental health services. This research will identify the drivers behind the low use of restrictive practices and assess its impact on patient outcomes.

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