OHSE & Induction system

Workplace Safety

La Trobe University is committed to providing a safe environment for all staff, contractors, students and visitors to campus.

This page provides contractors with information on relevant OHS risks and risk management procedures. All contractors are expected to comply with the University’s Health and Safety Policies and procedures as well as state legislation.

Work Permits and Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)

Prior to undertaking any high risk work a Work Permit and SWMS must be completed and handed in to an I&O Permit Authority for review and approval.

A SWMS must also be completed when working in the vicinity of any asbestos-containing materials.

See below all available work permits;

Permit to Work Deviation Form

Further assistance and advice please contact your University project or work coordinator representative.

Service Tunnels

The service tunnels are a high risk area and include potential hazards such as:

  • Confined space,
  • Extreme temperatures, and
  • Hazardous substances.

All contractors and consultants who will be working in the service tunnels must do so under an approved work permit and SWMS.

Asbestos Management

For information on asbestos at La Trobe campuses, please visit our Asbestos Management Page.

Contractors must view La Trobe University’s Asbestos Register prior to carrying out any works which may disturb the fabric of a building. This includes any drilling into walls or removal of paint.

The Asbestos Register can be accessed through your Archibus work request, or on request from your La Trobe Representative.

As a secondary notification measure, La Trobe University has posted warning labels wherever asbestos has been identified. The warning labels are posted:

  • Behind the doorway of each room (if material is in a room), or
  • On the surface of the material (if material is external).

If this label is posted in the area, please review the Asbestos Register to determine the nature and exact location of the asbestos-containing materials before commencing works.

Hazard and Incident Reporting

La Trobe University encourages all persons to report OHS and environmental hazards and incidents through our central reporting portal.

To submit a report, please go to our OHS Reporting Portal.

Further Information

For further information on occupational health and safety at La Trobe University, please contact the Health, Safety and Environmental Unit on ohs@latrobe.edu.au.