
As a child safe organisation, it is the University's policy to have all staff and non-staff hold a current valid Working with Children (WWC) Check.

It is mandatory for the following staff to have a WWC:

  • Continuing
  • fixed term and clinical staff of the University
  • those whose role involves Child Related Activities

Exemption from Working With Children Check

In some instances, as detailed in the Working with Children Policy, an individual may qualify for an exemption.

To qualify, an individual must meet ALL the requirements outlined below:

  1. Are not Engaged in Child Related Work; and
  2. Have no intentional interaction* with a child or children in the course of undertaking this work, activity or service; and
  3. Are Engaged on an infrequent and ad hoc basis, no more than 35 hours in a 12 month period; and
  4. Have never received a Negative Assessment Notice nor engaged in conduct that would result in a Negative Assessment Notice, should they be required to apply for a WWC Check.

* Intentional interaction is defined as interaction that is planned or premeditated.

An Exemption is valid for the period of the engagement and is specific to the engagement with which it was assessed under. Reassessment of Exemption is needed if the specific nature of the engagement changes.

  1. Determine eligibility for exemption using the table below
  2. Download and complete the relevant exemption form (see Summary of exemption section below)
  3. Submit exemption form to the business unit representative, who will process the form for approval from the delegated officer.

    Note for approvers:

    Delegated officers are required to verify, assess and ensure that individuals meet the exemption requirements in accordance with the University's WWC Policy.

  4. Once approved, your exemption is valid for 12 months
  5. To extend an existing exemption, submit a new exemption form (repeat Steps 1 to 5)

Note: All sections of the form must be completed. Incomplete forms will not be processed.

Category Eligibility to apply for exemption Exemption form Delegated OfficerNotes

Continuing staff

No - -  

Fixed term staff

No - -  

Casual Staff



Executive Director, HR

May be permitted to be engaged while a WWC Check is being processed. See WWC Policy for details.
Emeritus Professor Yes


Executive Director, HR


Honorary Appointments



Executive Director, HR


Adjunct Appointments



Executive Director, HR


Conjoint Appointments



Executive Director, HR


Clinical Appointments

No - -  
Affiliated Staff Yes



Exemption process will be dependent on the type of engagement.

Visiting Staff Yes


Executive Director, HR


Vice Chancellor’s Fellow



Executive Director, HR


Eligibility to apply for exemption

Exemption form

Delegated Officer

Record keeping


Contractor (includes sole trader, sub-contractor, agency and tenant)


WWC Declaration form

WWC Declaration form

Relevant Business Unit





Head of relevant business unit

Relevant Business Unit

Exemption process is dependent on the category of non-employee that the CONAGOTH falls under.




Head of relevant business unit

Relevant Business Unit


Council members



Executive Director, HR



Students representing the University



Head of relevant business unit


Application approver will be dependent on the type of engagement

Third Party Teaching Partner


See note

Academic Program Director

Quality and Standards

All domestic partners delivering LTU UG program are required to have their staff (includes contractors, subcontractors and agents) who have direct intentional interaction with LTU UG students to hold a WWC Check.

Domestic partners teaching only PG program are exempt from the requirement to have their staff hold a WWC Check unless the program delivered involves Child Related Activities.

Exemptions will be managed at the program level. No exemption form is required.

Research Partner


Not required



Exemption form is not required where the project does not require WWC Check (not child related) or the research partner is operating outside of the Australian jurisdiction.

Operations outside of Australian legal jurisdiction


Not required



Individuals and organisations working outside of Australian legal jurisdiction are excluded from the University's requirement for a WWC Check.