Our members

CHSSC and other La Trobe Staff

Name Position Telephone Email
Dr. Danielle Campbell Snr. Research Fellow Monitoring & Eval. 03 9479 6034 Danielle.Campbell@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Aidan Craney Research fellow 03 9479 2095 A.Craney@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Lisa Denney Principal Research Fellow 03 9479 3226 L.Denney@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Thushara Dibley Senior Research Fellow T.Dibley@latrobe.edu.au
Mardi Grundy Snr Research Fellow Monitoring & Eval M.Grundy@latrobe.edu.au
Alexander Gyles Res Fellow Monitoring and Evaluation 03 9479 6031 A.Gyles@latrobe.edu.au
Maria Paula Hernandez Ruiz Casual Academic M.HernandezRuiz@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Elisabeth Jackson Senior Research Fellow 03 9479 6033 L.Jackson@latrobe.edu.au
Sarah Leslie Snr. Research Fellow Monitoring & Eval. S.Leslie@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Tom McNamara Lecturer, Anthropology (TF) 03 9479 2650 T.McNamara@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Tarryn Phillips Associate Professor, CJLS 03 9479 1456 Tarryn.Phillips@latrobe.edu.au
Kolaia Raisele Casual Academic K.Raisele@latrobe.edu.au
Professor Chris Roche Prof of Devt Practice & Dir of IHSSC 03 9479 2061 C.Roche@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. John Taylor Associate Professor, Anthropology 03 9479 6696 John.Taylor@latrobe.edu.au
Dr. Brooke Wilmsen Associate Professor 03 9479 6693 B.Wilmsen@latrobe.edu.au
Felicity Young ReGEN Project Lead 03 9479 3539 F.Young@latrobe.edu.au

Honorary Associates and Adjuncts