External graduate research scholarships

As well as our own scholarships, you can apply for joint and external research scholarships offered by organisations.

Through the School of Applied Systems Biology,  Agriculture Victoria Research is offering PhD research fellowships in our strategic research areas of Dairy, Horticulture, Grains, Biosecurity and Plant Sciences.

Delivering transformational science innovations for plant and animal industries.

Successful candidates will receive:

  • A $35,000 per annum (tax-free) scholarship for up to three and a half years.
  • Access to professional development programs.
  • International travel opportunities.
  • Access to state-of-the-art technologies.

For enquiries, please contact Ms Kendra Whiteman at kendra.whiteman@agriculture.vic.gov.au

View scholarship - Dairy [PDF 267KB]

View scholarship - 2024 Australian Grains Genebank [PDF 690KB]

View scholarship - Fungal pathogens [PDF 1MB]

View scholarship - Forward Surveillance Bucellosis [PDF 242KB]

View scholarship - Forward Surveillance Virus [PDF 243KB]

View scholarship - Artificial Intelligence Driven Interfaces to Genomics [PDF 329KB]

View scholarship - Genotype and Phenotype Associations of Pear Selections [PDF 176KB]

View scholarship - Forestry [PDF 932KB]

The scholarship program between La Trobe University and the Mexican National Council for Science and Technology (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONACYT) supports up to two Master by Research and up to four PhD high achieving Mexican students who have been accepted and enrolled into a Master by Research or a PhD program at La Trobe University.

La Trobe will provide a 25 per cent reduction of the tuition fees for up to two Master by Research, and up to four PhD students each year. The CONACYT scholarships cover tuition fees, a stipend to cover living costs, and visa-length Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).

How to apply

Step 1 - Apply for PhD candidature at La Trobe University

  • Candidates must first apply to La Trobe University and receive a letter of offer. For details on how to submit an application please visit How to apply.
  • La Trobe University considers your application and, if successful, provides you with a letter of offer.

Step 2 - Apply for a scholarship with CONACYT

  • Applicants who have received a letter of offer from La Trobe University are required to apply for a scholarship directly with CONACYT. Calls are open from approximately April – June each year, please confirm the current deadlines and the application process on the CONACYT website.


If you have any questions on the CONACYT process, please contact La Trobe University’s in-country representative in Mexico.

If you have any questions on how to apply to La Trobe University, please contact La Trobe International.

The SmartSat CRC is a consortium of universities and other research organisations, partnered with industry that has been funded by the Australian Government to develop know-how and technologies in advanced telecommunications and IoT connectivity, intelligent satellite systems and Earth observation next generation data services.

Currently the SmartSat CRC is offering a number of scholarships in space and satellite systems. For more information and how to apply, please refer to the SmartSat CRC flyer and the SmartSat CRC website.

Value is $40,000 for one year for students intending to undertake a postgraduate degree in science, law or legal studies, or other appropriate discipline (must be Australian citizens or permanent residents who have resided in Australia for at least the previous 12 months). Applications close 20 November every year.

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The Australia Awards Endeavour scholarships and fellowships are internationally competitive, merit-based scholarships that support Australians to undertake study, research and professional development overseas, and citizens from eligible countries to undertake these activities in Australia.

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Scholarships of up to $15,000 are available to Aboriginal people currently working as registered nurses or registered midwives in NSW to assist with educational expenses directly associated with postgraduate study.

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The KA Richards Scholarship was established in 1989 to encourage professional development to the benefit of the industry. The scholarship offers a maximum of $10,000 per year and is tenable for one year for Masters study or three years for a Doctoral degree full-time (or an appropriate duration for part-time study).

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Data61/CSIRO offers PhD stipend as well as top-up scholarships to domestic and international applicants working on co-supervised data-driven research projects.

Students are co-supervised by researchers at Data61/CSIRO and academics at La Trobe University.

The projects will be in areas such as ASIC/FPGA accelerated Machine Learning/AI, microelectronics design, computer architecture/hardware and their application in IoT and Data Science. Other areas of interest are Analogue and RF ASIC design, neuromorphic circuits design, nano-magnets/spintronics, Data Science and AI.

For enquiries, please contact Dr. Mohsen Radfar at mohsen.radfar@csiro.au.

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CP-Achieve is the Australian Centre for Health, Independence, Economic Participation and Value Enhanced care for adolescents and young adults with Cerebral Palsy. It is a NHMRC funded Centre for Research Excellence.

CP-Achieve is offering PhD stipends to domestic applicants. The centre welcomes applications from research students from various academic disciplines, including; physiotherapists, paediatricians, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, psychologists and nurses.

Students are co-supervised by at least one researcher Chief Investigator or Associate Investigator from CP-Achieve. Browse a list of investigators.

CP-Achieve comprises research projects within two Programs: (1) Improving physical and mental health and (2) Building supportive environments. Cutting across all programs are the themes; Authentic consumer engagement; Promoting participation; and Economic analysis. Specific areas of interest are data linkage, lifestyle programs (including exercise), building supportive environments, orthopaedics and cerebral palsy cohort studies.

For enquiries, please contact Professor Nora Shields at n.shields@latrobe.edu.au or Kari Klein, CRE Project Coordinator at cp-achieve@mcri.edu.au.

For more details on application steps please refer to CP-Achieve.

Indonesian students can apply to the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Ristekdikti) for a scholarship to study at La Trobe University. These scholarships are referred to as BPPLN scholarships.

BPPLN scholarships cover the scholarship recipient’s university fees, visa fees and living costs.

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