Our practice research

Our Systemic Practice-Research Centre aims to understand and enhance social and emotional health in context, across all life stages and generations, through the promotion of relational health, and healing of relational trauma.

We collaborate, share knowledge and prioritise research translation that better equips communities, organisations and workforces to support the wellbeing of families.

Our research strategic plan reflects our core values as well as those of our funders and stakeholders, and serves multiple practice, policy, public health and research purposes.

Our research framework both reflects and enhances our existing practice culture. This includes a strong commitment to:

  • inclusion
  • equality
  • diversity
  • co-design
  • empowerment
  • respect for complexity.

Past Webinars

From Research to Action:
Improving Family Violence Support for Women in Victoria’s Criminal Justice System

Watch the recording of our recent webinar featuring our research leaders will guide you through one of our recently published research projects on improving support for women at the intersection of family violence and Victoria's criminal justice system.

Discover policy and practice implications to promote the protective factors for women involved in the criminal justice system who have experienced family violence. This project is supported by funding from the State Government of Victoria.

Bouverie Families Study

Bouverie Families Study

Understanding the outcomes for all family members who come to The Bouverie Centre for family therapy.

Stories of Family Safety Study

Stories of Family Safety Study

Following the safety and wellbeing of families when the family court system is involved.

The Family Stories Study

The Family Stories Study

Following the stories of families after their journey of family therapy with The Bouverie Centre.

Projects and grants

Projects and grants

Our work is supported through grants and donations.

View funded projects



We are proud to partner with a number of national and state-wide programs and organisations.

Meet our partners



We publish a range of research about family therapy.

Read our publications