Families where a Parent has a Mental Illness (FaPMI)

We coordinate the statewide FaPMI program, which aims to facilitate positive mental health and wellbeing for consumers who are parents, their children and their families.
The program is operationalised through Local Area Mental Health FaPMI Coordinators [PDF 304kb], who provide local coordination of supports within adult mental health services, AMHS. View the Mental Health Services Directory for locations and maps.
FaPMI Coordinators work within the AMHS and with local network partners to influence and promote family-inclusive practice to achieve positive outcomes for all family members.
Increased support for young carers is one of the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System. From 2022, the Victorian State Government will begin the FaPMI expansion, a three-year rollout of additional funding for brokerage and the employment of community workers in each AMHS. The community workers will have a particular focus on guiding children, young people and young carers to appropriate supports.
What does the FaPMI program provide?
- Education, training, resources and consultation support to the mental health workforce and their network partners.
- Support to professionals to better identify and respond to the needs of families.
- Development of strong local networks, policy and protocols regarding family-inclusive practice and support to families.
- Support for the implementation of peer support programs for parents, children, young people and families.
- Management of brokerage funds to support activities for young carers, parent consumers and their families.