Introduction to Narrative Therapy with Families

Learn how to use Narrative Therapy in your family work.

Introduction to Narrative Therapy with Families

This workshop provides a practice-based introduction to the school of Narrative Therapy (NT) founded by Michael White and David Epston. You will have the opportunity to discuss its principles, philosophies and concepts, and how they compare to other models. You will gain an understanding and have the opportunity to practice two main introductory techniques of ‘externalising conversations’ (working with the problem) and identifying ‘unique outcomes’ (finding solutions). The workshop also touches on the next step, ‘re-authoring,’ which refers to building the new story, and also how to start and end the session NT style. Depending on participant needs, witnessing responses and therapeutic documents may also be covered within training.

What will you learn?

On completion of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Comprehend the theory and philosophy behind narrative therapy
  • Practice core techniques of narrative therapy: externalising the problem and finding ‘unique outcomes’ (positives
  • Identify a range of narrative therapy skills and apply these to your work with clients

Relevant Audience

Counsellors, therapists and health and community workers who are interested in exploring the use of Narrative Therapy.

Workshop Style

This workshop is led by an experienced presenter in the Narrative Therapy model who is both a clinician and a teacher. It includes demonstrations of approaches, discussion and debate on Narrative Therapy concepts and philosophies and guided exercises for you to practice your skills.

Upcoming workshops

DateWednesday, 2nd October 2024
FormatIn person @ The Bouverie Centre
Time9:30am - 4:30pm (AEST)
CPD6 CPD hours
Cost$313.50 (incl. GST)
TrainerRon Findlay

Expression of Interest

Add your name to be notified of future offerings of this workshop.

Training at your workplace

We can customise our training to the needs of your team and deliver it your workplace. See here for more information.