La Trobe eBureau launches Threshold Concepts in Biochemistry eBook

Designed to help students grasp the key threshold concepts in biochemistry.

The La Trobe eBureau has just launched a new open access textbook for students and educators in the biomedical field.

Authored by Julian Pakay, Hendrika Duivenvoorden, Thomas Shafee and Kaitlin Clarke, Threshold Concepts in Biochemistry is a succinct and focused resource, designed to help students grasp the key threshold concepts in biochemistry.

The first four chapters are available now and include:

  • Chapter 1: Studying biology at the molecular level
  • Chapter 2: How to study biology at the molecular level
  • Chapter 3: The universality of life
  • Chapter 4: The flow of genetic information in living systems

The final four chapters will be available in the first half of 2024:

  • Chapter 5: How matter and energy are transformed in living systems
  • Chapter 6: How cells control and regulate their internal environments
  • Chapter 7: How structure is related to function at the molecular level
  • Chapter 8: The importance of the theory of evolution to understanding biology at the molecular level

Drawing on research from Australia and New Zealand, Threshold Concepts in Biochemistry seeks to promote the biochemistry and molecular biology discipline from a uniquely local perspective.

With biochemistry and molecular biology being some of the fastest-growing fields in scientific research and technical innovation, an understanding of biochemistry is increasingly important for students in all biological disciplines. However, biochemistry content is inherently complex and highly abstract, which makes it difficult to both learn and teach. Failure to understand foundational biochemical concepts is a major barrier to student’s learning and their progression in the field.

Threshold Concepts in Biochemistry will help students overcome this barrier by allowing them to focus on learning concepts rather than distracting them with unnecessary specifics.

These concepts underpin all biology, so the text is relevant to any student beginning a tertiary course related to biology, not just those focused on biochemistry or molecular biology.

A great refresher for students returning to study after a hiatus or for anyone who wants a quick primer on biology at the molecular level, Threshold Concepts in Biochemistry is available now and free to download from the eBureau website.

The La Trobe eBureau is one of Australia’s leading open access publishers. Our mission is to create high-quality resources for online and blended subjects, at zero cost to the student. Our published titles have been adopted by academic institutions around the world, granting our authors international recognition.

If you're interested in pitching a proposal to the La Trobe eBureau to create an open textbook, please get in touch at