Many everyday research and teaching activities involve the use of copyright protected material. Complying with legal copyright obligations and responsibilities is essential.
Over the next few months, the University Copyright Office will be hosting one-hour copyright consideration sessions for staff and students.
Learn about copyright law fundamentals and get knowledgeable advice on a range of copyright issues. These sessions are also an opportunity for you to raise any copyright questions or concerns related to teaching, learning and research.
Staff will learn how to use copyright protected material in their teaching activities, including online development, teaching modules and in the LMS.
Students will discover how to use copyright protected material in their thesis, assignments or presentations.
The first staff copyright consideration session will be held on Monday 31 July from 10 – 11 am. Register now.
The first student copyright consideration session will be held on Monday 7 August from 10 – 11 am. Register now.
All sessions will be held online.