Private Lives 3


Adam O. Hill, Adam Bourne, Ruth McNair, Marina Carman, Anthony Lyons

Private Lives 3 is the third iteration of the Private Lives surveys. Private Lives 3 is Australia’s largest national survey of the health and wellbeing of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) people to date. It was conducted by the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) at La Trobe University. The survey provides vital information for health professionals, service providers, community organisations and governments to better understand and support the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ people in Australia. Private Lives 3 was jointly funded by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services and the Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet.


Private Lives 3 logo on design of fanned rainbow cards


A national survey of the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ people in Australia

Adam O. Hill, Adam Bourne, Ruth McNair, Marina Carman and Anthony Lyons

This report presents data from participants of Private Lives 3 who were living in Australia at the time of the survey.

Download the Private Lives 3 National Report (PDF, 2.8MB)

Design of rainbow swirled pages, cut out in the shape of the state of Victoria


Private Lives 3: The health and wellbeing of LGBTQ people in Victoria

Adam O. Hill, Adam Bourne, Ruth McNair, Marina Carman and Anthony Lyons

This report presents data from LGBTQ participants of Private Lives 3 who were living in Victoria at the time of the survey.

Download the Private Lives 3 Victorian Summary Report (PDF, 2.6MB)

Broadsheets and research summaries

Since the completion of the Private Lives 3 survey and production of the national and state reports, the ARCSHS research team has been conducting further analyses to generate more nuanced knowledge of the experiences of LGBTQ adults. Some of these findings are reflected in academic journal articles, while some are presented in summary reports of this research. Research summaries are made available below as they are completed.

Community connection is associated with lower psychological distress for sexual minority women who view community connection positively

The importance of LGBTQ-affirming screening services for achieving cervical cancer elimination in Australia

The influence of care continuity and disclosure of sexual orientation in general practice on the use of mental health services among sexual minority women

Journal articles

The Private Lives 3 research team will continue to produce journal articles that focus in on specific issues in more detail. These will be added to this webpage as they are published online. If you are not able to access them via the links below, please contact

Watch the launch webinar