Albury-Wodonga Student Materials Bursary Application

The Albury Wodonga Student Materials Bursary originated in a local campaign to establish a bursary fund to support local students and assist them in meeting their educational goals. Monies for the fund have been generously contributed by Albury-Wodonga businesses, community groups, individuals and La Trobe University staff.

Payments of up to $500   are available to support students enrolled at the Albury-Wodonga Campus.  Higher amounts may be awarded in exceptional circumstances.

Are you currently enrolled at the Albury-Wodonga Campus, or, studying online and live within a 100km radius of Albury or Wodonga?
I'm sorry, you are not eligible for this bursary.
Have you received the Student Materials Bursary this year?
I'm sorry, you are not eligible for this bursary.

Please provide the following information:
Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

My details
This must be your La Trobe student email address
Do you currently receive, or will you receive, a scholarship and/or bursary to support your study at La Trobe University? *
Supporting information
You should outline your reason(s) for applying for the Bursary, barriers you have experienced in accessing higher education, and your academic potential. (Max 500 words)
Supporting evidence of any barriers you experience in accessing education (Supporting documentation is encouraged but not essential.)
I make this declaration believing its contents to be true. * I understand and agree that:
1. Falsifying documents is considered fraud and a false statement would be grounds for misconduct and may have serious consequences.
2. I am required to act honestly and ethically in accordance with the Charter of Student Rights and Responsibilities and knowingly make a false declaration may result in the imposition of a penalty or sanction;
3. La Trobe University may make steps to confirm the authenticity and correctness of this declaration at any time during my enrolment/candidature.

All information provided by applicants will be treated as confidential. At La Trobe University, we respect the privacy of your personal information. We collect personal information in your application to determine your eligibility for a scholarship, bursary or grant, and to assess your application as part of the ranking and allocation process. In accordance with privacy laws, personal information about you contained in your application will not be used for any other purpose or disclosed to any person who is not part of the La Trobe assessment and allocation process, without your permission. You may have the right to access personal information we hold about you, subject to any exceptions in relevant laws, by contacting the Scholarships Office. The La Trobe University privacy policy can be viewed at:
