Food, nutrition and health

Industrialisation of the food supply has placed greater reliance on processed food with profound consequences for human health. Beneficial food components, such as dietary fibre, have been reduced and healthy “complex carbohydrates” replaced with processed “simple” sugars. This has changed both the nature and digestibility of carbohydrates in the diet and their balance with respect to proteins and fats.

How is our research addressing this challenge?

Our mission is to develop an integrated research program to unravel the best quality and functionality aspects of plant biology to design and manufacture foods for optimal digestion and nutritional value.

Centre for Food Science

The Centre for Food Science (CFS), under the leadership of Prof Roman Buckow, is an integral part of the La Trobe Institute for Sustainable Agriculture and Food (LISAF). CFS is a key point of contact for the development of the Australian Food Innovation Centre (AFIC) on the Bundoora campus that will include the relocation of CSIRO’s major food processing and innovation centre from Werribee.

Plant-based foods form the basis for dietary recommendations around the world, with emphasis on grains (whole grain cereals and legumes) and horticulture (fruits, vegetables and nuts). However, most people do not consume the recommended daily intakes of whole grains and vegetables, leading to a challenge and opportunity for the development of consumer-appealing food products based on nutritious grains and horticultural produce. CFS will address this challenge by working with both growers and food producers to help develop, evaluate and provide technical marketing support for a new generation of plant-derived foods with validated consumer appeal.

CFS will help the food industry navigate the opportunities together with LISAF colleagues through deep knowledge of the properties of plant protein foods as influenced by plant genetics, agronomy and post-harvest processing.