Protein Interactions Analysis

The protein interactions analysis capability enables the study of protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions using various techniques including analytical ultracentrifugation.

This capability can determine the native mass, stoichiometry and shape of proteins and biomolecular complexes in solution, isothermal titration microcalorimetry (ITC) and microscale thermophoresis (MST) to measure the thermodynamics of the interactions, and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy to measure binding kinetics.

There are a broad range of research questions that can be addressed within this capability:

Circular Dichroism:

  • 2° structure: α, β, turn & random
  • Determine if protein/peptide is folded
  • Thermal denaturation

Isothermal Titration Microcalorimetry:

  • Thermodynamic parameters: ΔG, KD, ΔH, ΔS & N

Analytical Ultracentrifugation:

  • sedimentation coefficient (s)
  • diffusion coefficient (D)
  • mass (M)/oligomeric state
  • shape (f/f0)
  • rate constants (kon/koff)
  • native mass (M) (accurate)
  • oligomeric state
  • affinity of interactions (KD)
  • stoichiometry (N)
  • sample stability

Microscale Thermophoresis:

  • Affinity (KD)
  • Stoichiometry (N)
  • Enzyme Kinetics (KM, Kcat)
  • ΔG, ΔH & ΔS (van’t Hoff method)

Surface plasmon resonance:

  • Rate constants (kon, koff)
  • Affinity (KD)

Biacore T200 Surface Plasmon Resonance

For proteins and biomolecular complexes, it provides kinetic, affinity, concentration, specificity and thermodynamic interaction data in real time with exceptional sensitivity.

Biacore 8K+ Surface Plasmon Resonance

For high-throughput analysis of proteins and biomolecular complexes, it provides kinetic, affinity, concentration, specificity and thermodynamic interaction data in real time with exceptional sensitivity.

Beckman Coulter Model XL-A Analytical Ultracentrifuge equipped with an Aviv Fluorescence Detection System

Uses centrifugal force coupled to sensitive absorbance or fluorescence detection to determine the native molecular mass, shape and binding thermodynamics (i.e., affinity & stoichiometry) of proteins and biomolecular complexes in solution.

MicroCal iTC200 Isothermal Titration Microcalorimeter

Measures the change in heat accompanying the titration of a ligand (e.g., drug) with an acceptor (e.g., protein) to permit the determination of affinity, stoichiometry and other molecular properties.

NanoTemper Monolith NT.115 RG Microscale Thermophoresis Instrument

Uses the process of thermophoresis (i.e., a temperature gradient) to measure binding of an interacting partner (e.g., peptide, protein or ligand) to a fluorescently labelled acceptor protein.

NanoTemper Monolith Label Free Microscale Thermophoresis Instrument

Employs thermophoresis to measure binding of an interacting partner to an acceptor protein using intrinsic aromatic amino acid fluorescence.

Jasco J-1100 Circular Dichroism Spectrometer

A UV-Vis spectrophotometer for measuring circular dichroism (CD) as a function of wavelength, time, temperature, pH, and concentration. This system complements NMR and X-ray diffraction for characterizing biological and synthetic molecules.


Contact us to discuss your research applications:

  • research contracts for bespoke projects
  • academic collaboration.

Contact us

For more information and to discuss your requirements, please contact:

Dr Jason Paxman:

Professor: Marc Kvansakul