Student facilities

La Trobe's Mildura Campus offers students state of the art facilities and services.

The Mildura Campus is co-located with SuniTAFE, offering both Uni and TAFE students with a well resourced education precinct in a convenient setting.

Our modern lecture theatre, seminar rooms, computer and clinical learning unit are equipped with the latest in teaching and learning technology. Our Student Lounge is a great place for students to relax and study, with ample lounges and WIFI - it's where you'll find our students in between classes!


La Trobe University's Library is a leading academic library, operating as one library service across all campuses. In Mildura, students access the Gambetta Library -the region's largest student library - also open to members of the public. La Trobe has a full time librarian based in Mildura who coordinates various programs available to assist students throughout their time at La Trobe.

Food outlets

La Trobe students have easy access on campus to the SuniTAFE Canteen, which offers a wide range of food, snacks, coffees and drinks. Many La Trobe students and staff also regularly visit SuniTASTE restaurant, a hospitality training facility open to the public.

Child care

Many La Trobe students, who are parents, take advantage of the TAFE Kids Childcare Centre on campus. Making it an easy transition from daycare drop off to uni class.

Campus Tour