Claudia Slegers

Claudia Slegers completed most of her university studies at La Trobe, including what she describes as a thrilling arts degree majoring in sociology and politics in the early 90s, and later a PhD in 2007 in social sciences. Claudia recalls, "I will never forget those first Russian politics and history lectures as an undergraduate; the subject matter was compelling and vivid, the lecturer [Prof Robert Manne] was charismatic. Having previously studied and worked as a nurse, I knew at last I had found 'my people'."

Claudia completed her PhD while pregnant and raising young daughters.

After graduating, Claudia delivered guest lectures in her specialty areas of language, society and deafness.

Claudia considers her achievements have mainly been in research and communications about health issues. Since the mid-1990s, she has published numerous papers and commentaries. Claudia now works at Women’s Health In the North (WHIN), and enjoys the challenge of tailoring WHIN's health messages to its varied audiences across the community, and health and welfare sectors in the northern metropolitan region.