How to support your teen during the course preferences and change of preferences period.

If you’re supporting a teen who is considering university, this is a quick guide to keep you informed of their study options and how to help them make the best choice.

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It may not always feel like it, but you’re a huge influence in your teen’s decision-making, from guiding them through university Open Days to applications and enrolment. And perhaps most importantly, helping them understand their choices.

When it comes to helping your teen choose a university, you’re sure to have many questions, like ‘What course should they study? What kind of support does the uni offer? What’s the campus community like?’ We’ll help you answer those questions here.

What interests your teen?

It’s hard to choose what to study at university, so how can you help? First, identify your teen’s strengths and passions. Next, narrow their course options by balancing these strengths and interests with how they can turn them into a real career.

To help them explore all their possibilities, you can also introduce them to options they may not have considered by browsing through course pages, pathways, scholarships and more on our website.

Course information and advice

Looking for course information and advice? Our Choose La Trobe website, Course Finder or undergraduate guide [PDF 7.3 MB] is a good place to start to help your teen explore their course options.

Another good tip is to ask your friends, family and colleagues for advice, especially those with adult children as they have gone through the process within their own family.

If you or your teen want specific, tailored information or advice, the best next step is to speak to a course advisor to get an in-depth understanding of their university options. At La Trobe, there are a few ways you can get in touch.

Choosing their preferences

Once your teen has narrowed down their study options, they’ll need to apply for up to eight courses, in order of preference through VTAC or UAC. It’s vital they know the key dates and apply by the deadline.

If you or your teen would like to explore courses, hear from real students or get more of an understanding of where their degree can take them, we recommend visiting our Choose La Trobe website.

Supporting them when ATARs are released

For your teen, it may feel like their entire future is riding on achieving the right ATAR score. But it’s not.

If they met their goals or scored even higher, that’s fantastic. If not, there are many pathways into university degrees, and employers care about more than just results. At La Trobe, students are more than a number. You can use our Pathway Tool to help them explore their way into their dream course.

No matter what happens, remind them that getting through high school and completing Year 12 is a huge achievement – and one to be proud of.

Changing their preferences

Maybe they aced their exams and have their ideal ATAR. Perhaps they didn’t do as well as expected, and now need a pathway to the degree of their dreams. Or they could’ve just changed their mind about what they want to study at uni.

Whatever the reason, your child can change their university preferences. Check the VTAC website for deadlines.

Accept and enrol, or defer

So your teen has received an offer? Congratulations! Now’s the time to accept (and later, enrol) and your teen might want help with this. There’s plenty of information available on our website to help you and your teen with accepting their offer and enrolling into their course.

Alternatively, our course advisors are always at the ready to help you with any questions you have.

If they aren’t quite ready to commit to full-time study, they may want to take a gap year. This is not uncommon as many teens like to take a break after the stress of Year 12. You can support your child to make sure it’s the right decision and defer to mid-year or even the next academic year.

Need help with supporting your teen during preferences?

Our course advisors are here to help you and your teen with any questions about studying at La Trobe.


Book a consultation with us to get advice on your study options.

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