Rise with La Trobe: Registration form

Tell us a little about yourself, your study aspirations and what you want to get out of Rise with La Trobe.

Personal details
Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? *
You can write prefer not to say
Do you identify as Neurodiverse? *
Additional details
How did you find out about Rise with La Trobe? *
I am interested in the following disciplines * Select all that apply
Let us know what kind of activities you would like included in Rise with La Trobe
Your thoughts

The next section is asking you to let us know if you would like us to run the following activities:

I would like to receive a conditional offer after I finish Rise with La Trobe *
I would like to attend a Cultural Camp with other Indigenous students from across the state *
I want to know what 'the day in the life of a student' looks like *
I want to attend the university for a day *
I would like to talk to someone who is currently working in my dream career *
I would like to attend sporting activities and events *
I would like a private tutor to help with my high school studies *
I would like a university mentor to provide Cultural and professional guidance *
I would like to attend a mock lecture *




All information provided will be treated as confidential. At La Trobe University, we respect the privacy of your personal information. We collect personal information in your application in order to register you to our program. In accordance with privacy laws, personal information about you contained in your enquiry will not be used for any other purpose. You may have the right to access personal information we hold about you, subject to any exceptions in relevant laws, by contacting the Office of Indigenous Strategy and Education via email at Indigenous_enquiries@latrobe.edu.au The La Trobe University privacy policy can be viewed at: www.latrobe.edu.au/privacy/